Chapter 78

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I flutter my eyes open and I can hear the water splashing on the shore and sand on my back. I look round and find myself laying on the beach alone. Where is everyone? I stand up and look round. Nothing. I walk along the beach to find anyone but have no luck. I turn and begin to walk to my hut, maybe Neteyam is there?

I get there and he is not here. Where has everyone gone?

I hear shuffling outside the hut and walk out and see my parents standing outside.

"Mom? Dad?" I say in disbelief.

"Hello daughter" mother smiles.

"But how? Where did? what's happening?" I say confused. Why are they here? Ive never seen them other than at the home island? Why are they over here now?

They just look at each other.

"Oh my eywa... the fight! Did Miles die? Wait?... Did I die?" I say worried.

"You are wounded, your body is recovering, but you still need to fight to get back" father explains.

"Did Miles die? Is my baby okay? Is Neteyam okay?" I ask questions one after another.

"Come, sit" mother gestures for me to come as they sit down on the wooden panels outside the hut.

"You got him, you killed the Colonel" father says with a smile.

"Oh thank eywa" I say looking up to the sky.

"Your baby is fine, they are strong and beautiful" mother adds.

I smile and hold my belly.

"Thank you great mother" I whisper.

"And Neteyam? My family?" I ask.

"He is worried for you, the others too, they are waiting to see if you are coming back" mother says.

"My Neteyam" I say looking down at the sand.

"How do I go back?" I ask them.

"That is for you to find out my daughter" father says and with that they disappear.

"What?" I say and look round.

I stand up and look round confused "I don't know what to do" I say to myself.

I start walking back to the beach and walk along the sand. What do I need to do? Slowly na'vi start to appear round the island but they're faint, like a dream.

"Hello?" I say but none of them look at me. I continue to walk and see a crowd of na'vi near my hut. I walk over and weave my way through the crowd then I get to someone blocking my way, I tap them to ask them if I can pass and my finger goes through them. What? I try again and it happens again. I walk forwards and go through him. What is going on? I carry on to the front and I see my family sitting outside the hut. One by one they go inside. I climb up onto the outside of the hut and go inside. I see Neteyam sitting with.. me? He's holding my hand and stroking my hair and cheek.

Father comes in the hut and says "We are doing a clan meeting, everyone must come"

Neteyam reluctantly stand up and kisses my head before leaving the hut. I look at my body on the floor. My stomach is sewn up and i'm attached to loads of wires. Maybe if I touch my body I will return? I lean towards my body and touch it but nothing. I notice on the floor next to me a photo. A new photo of the baby. They've grown already. Wow, i'm so in love with you already I think to myself and I stroke the bean shape on the picture. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear something knock over behind me. I turn and see Spider entering the hut and knocked over a bowl.

He looks at my body and breathes in deeply. He walks over and sits next to me.

"Erm, I don't really know what to say y/n, i've been waiting to come see you and now I don't know what to say. I guess I just want to say i'm sorry, i'm sorry for being part of you getting shot and dying, i'm sorry for being round when you didn't want me there, but I guess i'm most sorry about not throwing you that bow fast enough, I promised you i'd let you kill Colonel and I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry, this is all my fault" he says and looks down at the floor upset.

If it wasn't for him Miles probably wouldn't be dead, i'd probably be dead. If he hadn't thrown me that bow me and my baby would be dead. I reach over my body and try to place a hand on his shoulder.

"I forgive you Spider" I say as I place my hand on his shoulder and surprisingly it doesn't go through him, he turns in the direction of my hand as if he felt it and then everything goes bright then black.

I flutter my eyes and the darkness disappears as the light appears in my vision. I adjust my eyes to the light and look round. Spider is sitting next to me and im lying down. Wait. Did I do it? Am I back? I let out a small cough and groan at the pain in my stomach. Spiders eyes return to me and widen.

"Y/n?" he says in disbelief.

I smile at him weakly and he shoots up to get someone but I stop him by grabbing his arm.

"I forgive you Spider" I say.

He smiles and his eyes water up before he runs out the hut.

*Neteyam POV*

"I called this meeting to update you all on y/n's condition. She is stable" Tonowari begins.

There's a few happy gasps and claps then he continues.

"She is not conscious yet, it is just a waiting game now" he finishes.

"Neteyam!" I hear behind me.

I turn and see Spider running towards me.

"Come quick" he says when he reaches me and I follow him without a question.

Lo'ak notices and shortly follows along with Aonung, Tsireya, Kiri and Rotxo.

Spider runs into our hut and I turn the entrance too after him and he is sitting down beside y/n who is awake. I run over and sit the other side.

"My y/n! Oh my eywa, you're awake!" I cry and hold her.

She gasps in pain and I let go slightly "I'm sorry" I say as I stroke her soft cheek in awe that she is up.

The other appear at the entrance and get excited at the sight of y/n awake.

"Missed me?" she jokes at the sight of us all.

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