Chapter 36

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I wake up and feel good. Today will be a great day, I can feel it. I get up and get ready for the day, I put on my necklace from Neteyam and head out the hut.

I walk along the beach and get stares from each na'vi I walk past. I hear giggles behind me and am met with Tuk.

"I want you to play y/n!" she giggles.

"Sure Tuk what shall we play?" I reply.

"Hmmm, underwater hide and seek!" she gasps.

I laugh "Sure lets go"

"What you guys up too?" Lo'ak says walking over.

"Y/n is going to play underwater hide and seek with me" Tuk teases.

"Well I want to play!" Lo'ak fake cries.

Tuk laughs and he joins us into the water.

We begin to swim away.

"Y/n!" I hear behind us.

Neteyam is walking along the beach, hair swinging and he is smiling.

"Where you guys off to?" he asks.

"Were going to play underwater hide and seek" I shout to him.

"Cool, i'm coming" he says and jumps in.

On our way deeper out we see Tsireya dnd then Aonung and then Kiri and Rotxo... together and they join us.

We decide because there is so many of us we will do teams, me and Neteyam, Kiri and Rotxo, Tuk and Lo'ak and Tsireya and Aonung. Me and Neteyam swim off and hide in some nearby coral at first and Kiri and Rotxo are seeking. We are found second and Tsireya and Aonung win that round. We come up for air and Lo'ak swims next to me and moans "Why did I get stuck with Tuk! I'm never going to win, can I be with you instead!"

Neteyam comes over and puts an arm round me "Nope sorry she's taken baby bro"

Lo'ak makes a fake vomit noise and makes me laugh. "Maybe next time?" I laugh.

Because Lo'ak and Tuk were found first they are seeking now. Me and Neteyam swim to a large rock and hide between the mini rocks next to it. We look round to see if anyone is near and Tuk pops out from in front of the rock and finds us. We swim to the surface and we were found first so we need to seek next. We wait until everyone's found and then they all go to hide. We wait a while then I say "Right ill look west and you look ease?"

"Id rather look at someone else but sure" he smiles. I push him and laugh "Skxawnd" We go off to seek. I find Aonung and Tsireya first in the ilu's chilling spot and continue looking for the others, after a while I cant find anyone else so I come to surface and everyone is there. I found Tsireya and Aonung before Neteyam found the others so they are seeking now.

Me and Neteyam swim and I grab his hand for him to follow me, I take him to the underwater flower pods we hid in before and swim into a different one to the one before.

"Good idea" Neteyam smiles. I smile back. We hear movement in the water and Neteyam grabs me by the waist with one arm and lifts us up using the flowers core with the other arm. I wrap my legs round his waist and we are both quiet. Aonung swims past and we look at each other. I giggle and he smiles at me.

"Im getting deja vu" I laugh.

He lets out a chuckle then looks into my eyes "I can change that"

He leans in and kisses me gently, I kiss him back and it gets deeper. He lets go of the flower and we both fall into the water. We swim to the air pocket of the flower and laugh as we emerge.

Neteyam looks at me and turns serious "I cant lose you y/n, when i'm with you I feel whole, like everything in the world is right"

This makes me smile and I reply "You won't"

"When toruk was after you I felt hopeless, and when I thought you.... well you know. I couldn't move. Like I was frozen" he adds.

I place my hands to his cheeks and say "You won't lose me Neteyam Sully" and kiss him.

Tsireya pops up out of nowhere and shouts "Found you!" then realises what she swum into "Oops sorry guys" she says awkwardly. I laugh and we all swim to the surface. After a few more rounds we decide to head back because its getting late. Me and Neteyam are at the back of the group on the way back and I drag him back away from the group, I want to show him something, he looks so confused. I swim down to the sea bed with him and it gets dark. Suddenly the coral and fish round is begin to glow and shine different neon colours.

Neteyam looks round amazed at the sight. He swims to the sand and picks up a neon blue shell and swims to me, he puts it in my hair then grabs my face and kisses me underwater. We pull away and smile, I start to swim back to shore and he follows.

We get to shore and I drag him to the palm trees in the centre of the village. I stop and turn round and plant a kiss to his lips, he immediately kisses me back with as much passion and lifts me up round his waist. I wrap my arms round his neck and he leans me up against a tree and takes my gasp as an opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. He starts to trail kisses down my neck and I let to a small gasp like moan. He pulls away and smirks. He returns to my lips and between each kiss he says something.

"You're mine"


"Im yours"


"I see you"

Passionate kiss.

I pull away this time.

"I see you too Neteyam" I blurt out.

His eyes open wide and he smiles the biggest smile i've seen him do.

He pulls me away from the tree and places me onto the sand without breaking the kiss. His hands wander my thighs and waist as we kiss.

I pull away from him and smile before giving him another peck. I better stop this before we get too carried away. He lays next to me on the sand and we stare up at the beautiful night sky.

"I'm falling for you y/n" he says.

I smile and sit up then straddle him. I kiss him and then get up.

I help him up and his hair swings with every move. That beautiful hair. I stare at the contours of his body in the moon light and notice something out of place down there. Oops.

We start to walk to the huts hand in hand and we say goodnight once I get home, he places a gentle kiss to my lips and says goodnight.

"Goodnight my Neteyam" I smile and walk inside.

I lay down and Tsireya stares at me. "Shut up" I say as she smirks at me. I roll over and go to sleep.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWhere stories live. Discover now