Chapter 70

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*Another week later*

I've been spending more time with Aonung this week, it's really felt like the old times, a bit of normality in my crazy life and he's been distracting me from my situation. I've still not told anyone about the pregnancy. I don't know how. I've avoided them all week again, it's getting harder each day to avoid them now. 

I wake up before Neteyam again and slowly shuffle away from him. I slowly step towards the entrance and swiftly make my way from the huts to the beach. I walk along the beach and wonder what to do today to avoid everyone. 

Aonung emerges from the trees and joins me smiling. I smile back and hook my arm round his as we walk. 

"Neteyam and Lo'ak were asking about you again last night" he says. 

I sigh. 

"It's been two weeks y/n, what did they do?" he asks. 

"Nothing, I just want to chill is all" I say plainly. 

"You can't do that with them?" he asks. 

"Nope" I say with a pop of the lips. 

He rolls his eyes and we continue to walk. 

"You've got to talk to them eventually you know, Neteyam is your mate" he starts again.

"Aonung if I wanted to speak to them I would, I don't need you lecturing me" I say in frustration and walk away. 

"Y/n no... I didn't... come back" he shouts after me but I continue on.

Damn where did that come from. Pregnancy.

I walk back to the hut and cautiously peek round the corner of the entrance to see Neteyam isn't there. Phew. I walk in and get my stuff to do some battle training. I walk back out the hut and make my way across the hutted area to the beach and then walk along the shore towards the training ground. 

I get there and Spider is there again practising. Does he ever give it a rest? I walk over and place my stuff on the ground to set up and he looks at me then back to the dummy and shoots the arrow. It hits the dummy right In the head. 

"You've been practising" I say. 

He looks at me surprised. Surprised that I spoke to him. 

"Erm yeah... after you showed me I kinda got the swing of it" he says. 

I nod and pick up one of my newly carved arrows. I aim and shoot and hit it perfectly. I repeat this over and over again for a while. 

I hear voices not too far away and turn to see father, Jake, Lo'ak, Aonung and Neteyam turn the beach corner towards us. I grab my bow and arrows from the floor and run into the trees so they don't see me. I walk through the trees and make my way back to the hut the long way round so i'm not seen.

*Neteyam POV*

I wake up and shes gone again. Have I done something wrong? Does she regret becoming mates? Does she not love me anymore?

I sigh as I get up and head to the family hut to see what Lo'ak is up to. We chill for a while and then father comes to the hut. 

"You boys coming for some battle training?" he asks us. 

"Sure" we say and get up to leave. 

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