Chapter 79

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"Missed me" I say chuckling but start coughing.

"Here" Neteyam says and brings me water.

"Thanks" I say as I try to sit up. He helps me up slowly and I lean on his lap. I sip the water and smile.

"You are a bad ass, you know that?" Lo'ak says laughing.

"Why?" I ask giggling along too.

"That fight was insane, you were all over him! And while pregnant too...." he starts then trails off.

I look at Neteyam and he looks down "I accidentally told them."

I bring my hand up to his face and smile "Its fine ma Neteyam, they needed to find out one way or another"

He smiles and holds his hand on mine cupping his cheek.

Our attention shifts as mother and father and Jake and Neytiri all run into the hut.

"My daughter!" mother gasps and comes to my side.

"Thank you eywa" she mutters as she holds my free hand.

"Are you okay my daughter?" father asks me and I nod smiling.

"Thank eywa you are okay" Neytiri says.

"Both of you" Jake says.

They all look at me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" mother asks.

"I was scared I guess, that none of you would be happy" I say.

"How could we not be happy? You are both of age and happy, that's all we want for you" Neytiri says.

I smile.

"This baby is a blessing sister, the first ever metkayina omaticaya baby!" Tsireya shrieks.

I look at Neteyam and we both smile happily.

"A blessing" I say to him and we place our hands on my belly.

Neytiri's eyes well up and she says "I'm so proud of you both"

"Your mother and father would be proud too" father says about my birth parents making me smile wider.

My smile fades and I ask to be sure "he's gone? for good?"

"Thanks to you, yes, he is gone" Jake says.

"And to Spider, if he hadn't passed me that bow I probably wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be here" I say holding my belly and smiling at Spider who's hiding in the back.

They all turn and look at Spider then smile.

"Lets let y/n rest now" Jake suggests and everyone but Neteyam leaves.

"I'm so happy you pulled through, I don't know what i'd do if I ever lost you" Neteyam says stroking my cheek.

"You wont ever find out" I say smiling. He leans down and pecks me.

After about 10 minus of cuddling and enjoying the moment Norm walks in.

"Hows the mighty warrior doing?" he jokes.

I laugh and put my thumb up to him.

"Lets have a check" he says and sits next to me.

He does a few exams on me and checks my movements, my head, my stomach and I stare at the screen in awe and so does Neteyam.

"Yep, you're good, you are lucky to be alive, if Tsireya and Aonung hadn't donated their blood I doubt you'd be here" he says.

"They did what?" I ask looking between him and Neteyam.

"You lost that much blood you needed more so they gave you some of theirs" he explains.

"I wish they didn't feel like they had to do that" I sigh.

"They wanted to, after Neteyam offered of course" Norm says.

I squeeze Neteyams hand and smile.

"You're the talk of the village you know, toruk makto, killed the worst alien of them all, a mighty warrior" Norm smiles.

"I must be the mighty warrior after all then" I say to Neteyam teasing him.

"Okay don't let it get to your head" he rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Right, i've got to get back, keep off your feet so your stitches don't burst and take it easy, it's not easy cooking a little na'vi" Norm jokes and starts to pack up.

"Thank you Norm, for everything" I smile.

"It's my pleasure, i'll see you soon" he says and walks out.

"I want to speak to Tsireya and Aonung please ma Neteyam" I say.

"Of course" he says and kisses my head before exiting the hut. Minutes later they walk in and smile as they sit by me.

"Thank you both, I wouldn't be here without you" I say holding they rhands.

"It's okay" Tsireya smiles.

"No problem, I only want the baby named after me, nothing much" Aonung jokes and I laugh and nudge him "Skxawnd" I continue to laugh.

"I never would have imagined the is how our lives would go" Tsireya says.

"I know, it all changed when the Sully's showed up" I say.

"Those damn Sully's" Aonung jokes and we laugh.

"I wouldn't have a mate" I say.

"I wouldn't have Kiri as a best friend" Tsireya says.

"I wouldn't have got beat up" Aonugn says and we laugh again.

"I wouldn't be growing a baby" I giggle.

"You win" Tsireya says and we all chuckle again.

"Right we will actually let you rest now" Aonung says and gets up then followed by Tsireya they leave.

Neteyam comes back in shortly after and we sit and talk for hours. These are my favourite moments. I get a few visits throughout the rest of the day but after a while i'm tired and can't take anymore. Neteyam sets our sleeping area up all cute and comfy for us and gets my favourite snacks and we spend some time cuddling, eating and looking at the pictures of our baby. Life is good right now. Minus the huge wound on my healing stomach.

"Who do you think the will look like more?" I ask Neteyam.

"I hope they look like you, but my eyes" he thinks then answers.

"The first mixed baby, we're creating history ma Neteyam" I laugh and he joins in.

"What do you think they'll be like?" Neteyam asks.

"Loved, I think they will be very loved" I smile.

"Perfect" he smiles and kisses me. We lay and watch the stars and continue to talk until I drift off to the sound of his accent. Dreamy.

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