Chapter 16

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Last night was something... am I developing feelings for Neteyam? Or was it the drink talking. Either way I need to be careful with what I am doing. I got back to the hut and father was furious. I assured him nothing was going on but he seemed to have doubts. I sit up and look at the sleeping Tsireya next to me, i'll leave her to rest. I stand up and sneak out of the hut so no one wakes up. 

I make my way to the beach for a stroll. I see Lo'ak but when he sees me he goes in the opposite direction. Strange. I follow him discretely and he head out into the water. I call my ilu and climb on her and continue to follow him. I follow him for quite a while until he stops. He waits a moment and then Payakan appears. 

I watch from a distance and they just communicate for a while. I start to approach them and make myself known. Lo'ak looks surprised and turns to Payakan. I get to him and pull a confused look. He points to Payakan's fin and we both climb up so we are sitting above water. 

"What are you doing Lo'ak? Why were you acting so suspicious?" I ask.

He looks to Payakan then back to me. "I come and see Payakan sometimes to talk about stuff"

"Okay but why act so suspicious? I know you are friends? Also why don't you just come to me to talk?" I reply confused.

He looks down. "How can I come to you to talk about you?"

Now i'm confused "What? Talk to me Lo'ak?"

He sighs "I saw you and Neteyam at the beach last night. I feel jealous, not in a mate way. I am jealous because I don't want to lose you y/n, you're my best friend ."

I look at him and reply "Lo'ak you will always be my best friend and I never want you to feel like you can't talk to me. Nothing will change between us. In terms of Neteyam... nothing happened anyway."

He looks up confused "But at the beach?"

"Don't get me wrong Lo'ak I think we may have kissed last night, but our fathers saw and cut it off before anything happened" I reply to him.

"I don't know what to do Lo'ak, i don't know how I feel at the moment, I just want to take things slow and for things to happen naturally" I continue.

"It does feel weird for me with him being my brother but if i'm honest with you y/n, I think he seriously likes you. I've never seen him act the way he is acting with anyone else" Lo'ak replies.

I sigh and look up to the bright blue sky. Payakan communicates and adds he thinks I should take my time like I want to do. I thank him and ask Lo'ak if he wants to head back. He agrees and we say bye to Payakan. 

As we arrive near the clan we see all our friends on the beach. We join them. 

"Where have you guys been?" Kiri asks me and Lo'ak. 

"Oh we just went for an early swim" Lo'ak jumps in. 

Neteyams smile drops. 

We hang out as a group for most of the day, swimming, learning, just having a fun time.

I feel a tension between me and Neteyam today though. He's not really spoken to me all day. I don't want to bother him so i've left him to his own thing. 

Everyone else starts to head home after a while. Lo'ak taps my arm and I turn to him. "Y/n will you help me with my swimming more please? ive struggled today and don't want the others to know."

"Sure Lo'ak let's go" I say and we both turn back to the water and head out far into the ocean. 

The last hour we have practised his breathing and swimming strokes and he seems much better already. I throw a shell into the water and tell him to go find it. He dives into the water and comes back up after a few minutes with the shell. 

"I did it y/n!" he exclaims.

"Well done Lo'ak!" I say hugging him. 

After a few more turns we decide to head back. 

We finally get back to the clan and he hugs me once more when we're out the water "Thank you so much for today y/n, I don't know what i'd do without you."

I smile and say bye before heading back to my hut. 

*Neteyam POV*

Ive been wondering where y/n is all morning and I finally see her come out the water making me smile. Then Lo'ak follows her out and now im confused. What are they doing together? I didn't even know they were on speaking terms after the whole kiss situation. 

Kiri asks them where they have been and Lo'ak said they had been for a morning swim.

My face drops. Why is my brother taking her for morning swims?

This sets me up in a bad mood all day. I spoke to no-one and barely joined in with the group. Did she not like that we almost kissed last night? Has she realised she doesn't want me in that way? 

We all get back to the shore and start walking to our huts. I turn to see if Lo'ak is coming and I see him and y/n going back into the water. I feel so angry. I head back to the hut and stay there for the rest of the night. Tuk tries to play with me but im seriously not in the mood. I feel bad after a while though so I find Tuk to play with her. We are collecting seashells to make some more jewellery, she wants to make mother a necklace like y/n's.

I take Tuk back home and stand outside the hut for a while for some peace and quiet. Then I see y/n and Lo'ak come back out the water . They're hugging. I hate this. I head inside and go to sleep ignoring Lo'ak when he comes in the hut. 

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