Chapter 85

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*Week later*

I wake up and Neteyams grip tightens round me and I giggle as he nuzzles his face into my locks.

"Morning" I laugh.

"1 more hour" he groans.

I laugh and shuffle to my other side so im facing him now. He smiles at the sight of my face and cups my cheek with his palm.

"You look beautiful" he says and pecks me.

"Im 8 months pregnant and look like a tulkun" I laugh.

"Beautiful" he repeats and pecks me again.

"Smooth Sully" I say smiling.

"How about we have a chill day to relax, just the two of us" Neteyam suggests.

"Couldn't think of anything better" I smile and he pulls me in closer. Well as close as I can because my huge baby belly is in the way.

*Neteyam POV*

Tsireya visited me last night telling me the baby shower is planned for today so im on operation keep y/n away all day. After the baby shower i'm going to take her on a mini baby moon for the night to the forest, she loved it last time.


Neteyam stole the camera Norm left so we could take photos and hes taken many selfies of us and pictures of me. I think i've got a permanent white glow in my vision from the flash. We play this stone game Neteyam taught me and you basically just roll stones and you have to try and get your stones closest to an object. So he used his dagger and placed it down and we take it in turn to roll the stones and of course even thought this is the first time I ever played, I won.

We arrange the hut so its ready for the baby when they come and I would suggest setting up the baby stuff but we have nothing yet. Neteyam keeps putting it off.

"Shall we go get the baby stuff today, we haven't got long" I say.

"Not today, I want to just chill with you all day" he smiles.

"Do you not want to get the stuff because you're scared?" I ask him. Maybe he thinks once we get the stuff it becomes real and he's freaking out. Oh no, he regrets this doesn't he.

"No of course not, I just want some quality time together before they come" he smiles. Phew.

"Im a bit bored now, we've got nothing to do in the hut" I complain.

"Erm... what do you want to do?" he asks.

I think and then say "Swimming?"

"No" he says.

"Oh" I say taken back.

"I got an idea!" he says suddenly and grabs my bow.

"Lets go practise with out bows" he says.

"Okay" I say and he grabs his bow too and leads us the back way to the training ground.

We get there and do some target practise for a while and have a competition of who can hit their dummy the most and we tie. I'm not surprised, he was the best warrior for his age back at his home clan and I learned from Neytiri.

After a while we head back to the hut and put our bows away. As I sort out the bows Tsireya and Kiri walk in and say "Where have you been all day? Let's have some girl time"

I look at Neteyam expecting him to tell them he wanted to spend the day with me but he folds over and gives in without a word. He waves bye and leaves the hut.

"Lets do our hair!" Tsireya says and we all sit and do each others hair. I braid Kiri's but only a few. Tsireya does mine and she delicately puts a few braids through my curly hair which she's defined with seaweed curl cream and then they find some small flowers and intwine them into the braids. I look beautiful.

"Oh my eywa! Look at you!" Tsireya gasps when I turn round, like a proud mom.

"Shall I do yours?" I ask her but she shakes her head.

"No i'm fine, let's go for a walk" she says and walks out the hut with Kiri without me saying a word.

I follow them along the beach and we round the beach corner then I hear a range of "Surprise!!!" coming from in front of me. They planned a little baby party for me. How sweet. My eyes start to well up and I wipe away the escaping water.

"You guys are the best" I say hugging them.

I walk over to the group and say thank you to everyone for coming. After an hour of music and games Tsireya calls me over to her and we all sit down in a group. She runs off ten comes back with something wrapped up. I open it and its a beautiful blanket for the baby made from the rare yellow seaweed at the eywa tree.

"Oh my eywa, it's beautiful" I say hugging Tsireya.

Kiri passes me something next, its a closed clam filled with small rocks so when you shake it, it makes noise for the baby to play with. I hug her and say thank you the Neytiri passes me a gift. It's a small necklace covered in wooden beads and a shell.

"It's their song cord necklace" she explains and I examine the necklace and thank her.

Mother comes next and passes me a basket.

"This is the basket you were bought to us in" she explains and I examine the basket and my eyes tear up "Thank you, this is so special" and I hug her.

By the time i've gone through all the gifts w have everything we need for the baby. I look over at Neteyam and he's chuckling to himself.

"You were putting it off because of this wasn't you" I say pointing at all the gifts.

He laughs and starts carrying the stuff to the hut.

Everyone starts to slowly leave and I thank them all again. I go back to the hut and spend time with Neteyam setting up all the stuff. I put the sleeping basket right next to where me and Neteyam sleep. We lay down once its all sorted and I hug him.

"Tomorrow we're going on a trip, to the forest, call it a baby moon" he says smiling.

"You are amazing Neteyam Sully, I love you" I say and kiss him.

We go to sleep ready for a busy day.

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