Chapter 31

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I wake up before Tsireya so I decide to switch things up and go for a morning swim while I wait for her to wake up for our girls day. I walk out the hut and walk to the water. I dip my feet in then gradually get deeper and deeper. I swim for about half hour before I get splashed by a huge wave of water from someone jumping in. I turn and see Neteyam smirking at me.

"Morning y/n" he says and swims towards me I laugh and I wrap my arms round his neck and my legs round his waist as he gets to me.

"Morning skxawng" I laugh in response.

He kisses me and I kiss him back.

"What are we doing today?" he asks.

"WE are doing nothing" I smile "I am having a girls day" I continue.

"Oh you're leaving me! I see how it is" he says in a fake upset voice as he pulls away and pretends to swim away.

I swim after him and attach myself to his back "I'm sure I can find a way to make it up to you" I whisper in his ear. He smirks and turns back round to kiss me.

"Cannonball!" we hear and a huge splash hits us.

"Morning Lo'ak" I say laughing.

"Hey dude, what you guys up too?" he asks.

"Erm nothing" Neteyam says.

I see Tsireya on the beach so I say "I'm going to go now for my girls day, see you later?"

"Are you coming to the beach party tonight?" Lo'ak asks.

"Oh yeah! I forgot, yeah i'll see you there" I say as I swim away.

I get to Tsireya and we head off to find Kiri. We go to her hut and she is sitting outside on her own.

"Hey girl you okay?" Tsireya asks.

"Oh hey guys, yeah i'm fine" Kiri responds.

"Okay, well we were thinking we should have a girls day?" I ask.

"Sounds good!" Kiri exclaims and we all walk off along the beach.

We spend a few hours riding our ilu's then I show the girls how I learned to use my mother bow. We then start heading back to the hut to start getting ready for later. We are all sitting down doing the usual hair and we are making seashell crowns again, today I make a blue and yellow one and Tsireya orange and pink then Kiri purple and green. While we are getting ready I start to try get Kiri to confess about her and Rotxo.

"So let's talk boys!" I start.

"Tsireya are you interested in anyone at the minute?" I ask.

"No no one at the minute, but i'll let you know a secret! When we were younger I was so jealous of you and Rowari!" we all laugh.

"Well obviously me and Neteyam are interested in each other, we're still taking it one day at a time but we have kissed now" I explain, Kiri didn't know about the kisses before this so she gasps.

"If you become mates we will all be sisters!" Kiri says happily.

"What about you Kiri? Any interest in any of the boys?" I ask.

"Erm.. well... no not really" she says.

"Are you sure? That was a very unsure answer" Tsireya laughs.

"Okay i'll tell you something but you can't tell anyone" she says, we all pinky promise and she carries on "I used to have a thing for Spider back before... anyway once we left I realised how much I liked him"

Well that's not what I was trying to get out of her...

"No way! Anyone at the moment you're interested in now?" I ask.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن