Chapter 74

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I wake up and the anger still hasn't fizzled out. I have to send my beautiful ilu to eywa today because of that demon. A tear escapes my eye thinking about her and Neteyam shuffles awake slowly. He spoons me and hugs me tight, I sniffle from my silent cry and his head shoots up and looks over at me.

"Hey what's wrong" he says holding me.

"Just yesterday i'm fine" I say.

"Oh y/n, come here" he says pulling me in closer.

Tsireya appears at the hut entrance and looks at us awkwardly. I look at her and she notices my tear stained face and walks over to me, she strokes my arm and says "I'm here for you y/n, do you want me to help you prepare her?" I just nod in response and sigh.

We all get up after a while and me an Tsireya head over to the loading dock where my ilu was overnight and get started. We use the water to clean her and we dress her wound. I spend time talking to her and thanking her for being the best companion a girl could ask for. I stroke her soft skin and pray to eywa she will be okay and wasn't in pain.

Animal send offs aren't as big as na'vi send offs, not everyone comes to the animal ones. I requested just my friends and family come.

We make our way over to the eywa transitioning area of the water and I feel more anxious the closer we get. Mother starts by getting everyone to hold hands as they pray to eywa. I, with the help of Neteyam, glide my ilu across the water above the glowing sea grass below. We wait and mother starts to sing a songbird song for her and me and Neteyam dive down with my ilu. We get towards the bottom and let her go sending her towards the grass. The grass envelopes my ilu and pull her down into it. There is a golden glow and then she is gone. Neteyam pulls me back up to the surface and hugs me.

We all head back to the beach after the transition and sit on the sand enjoying each others company for a while.

"It was a beautiful send off y/n" Tsireya says.

"It was" Kiri adds.

"It shouldn't have had to happen in the first place" I say as anger fills me up again.

"Exactly" Aonung joins in.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" I say and stand up before walking away from the others.

We hear a noise coming from nearby and see Norm's helicopter coming towards us. Check up day. It lands on the beach nearby and Norm comes out smiling and waving then starts gathering equipment from the back.

Jake approaches and greets Norm "I didn't expect you back so soon" he smiles.

"Just wanted to do another check up, better to be safe than sorry" Norm waffles and approaches me.

"Ready?"" he asks and I nod and follow him. I lead him to my hut instead of the family one and he sets up all his sky people machines.

"Right, i'll actually do you a head check up but we both know the real reason i'm back already" he says looking round to make sure no one is here.

"Neteyam knows but no one else does yet" I tell him.

"Y/n I saw Norm, is everything okay?...." he trails off when he sees us in the hut.

"Hey Neteyam" Norm greets him.

"Hey Norm, everything okay?" Neteyam approaches us.

"Yes, just checking up" Norm tells him and goes back to sorting the equipment.

"Lets get started then" Norm says and Neteyam gets up to leave.

I grab him arm and say "Stay."

He smiles and sits next to me while Norm does ll my head injury tests and they are all clear. Then he gets the stomach machine out again and put the cold stuff on my belly making me shiver. Neteyam laughs along with Norm. Norm places the machine tool to my belly and the little screen turns black and white just like the picture he gave me lat time but the bean shape is bigger.

"Theres your baby" Norm smiles and points at the shape.

I squeeze Neteyams hand and he looks at me with the widest smile ive ever seen him do. I love that he is so happy.

"There's our baby" he beams and squeezes my hand back and kisses my head.

Norm prints out a picture again and hands it to us to keep.

"That's everything, baby is healthy and so are you y/n" Norm smiles and starts to pack up his machines.

"Thank you for coming Norm" I smile and say bye.

Neteyam helps him carry the equipment to the helicopter and loads it too. He comes back to my side and we wave bye as Norm leaves.

"How was everything?" Jake approaches us.

"Everything is fine still" I smile.

"Good, i'm glad" he smiles back and walks back to the huts.

Me and Neteyam take a walk along the beach and we end up at the rock pools. I dip my feet into the cooling glittering water and NNeteyam sits net to me doing the same. We talk about all kinds of stuff.

"So any guesses now what you think they will be?" Neteyam asks me.

"Hmmmm, a girl" I guess.

"I think a boy, they will be a mighty warrior like their mom and dad" Neteyam laughs and gives me a kiss.

"Are you happy then?" I ask him.

"Never been happier" he smiles and kisses me again.

He deepens the kiss and I tangle my hands into his braids and kiss him back. I pull away and he has a permanent smile on his face for the rest of the evening.

We eventually make our way home and we both lay on the rug after getting ready for bed.

"I'm going to start showing soon" I say a bit worried.

"We will tell them whenever you feel ready" he smiles and places a hand to my belly. It makes me feel all warm when he does that.

"Are we really doing this?" I say in disbelief as we look at the updated photo of our baby.

"I guess we are" he smiles at the photo.

"I wouldn't have it any other way though" he adds and kisses me and we cuddle while watching the stars then fall asleep in each others arms.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu