Chapter 67

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I wake up this morning with that same warm feeling like usual. I look up to Neteyam and he is sleeping so peacefully, I don't want to wake him up so I slide out from his arms and decide to go for a morning swim. I walk out the hut and make my way over to the beach, the sunrise Is so beautiful so I decide to watch it first and go and sit on the bridge and dip my feet into the water. 

Im watching the sky dance with colour and then I hear footsteps behind me and someone sits beside me. I turn to see Lo'ak and I smile at him, I tilt my head and lean on his shoulder and he grabs my closest hand. 

"Wanna do something today?" he asks me.

"Sure, what you thinking?" I ask.

"Riding and spirit tree maybe?" he suggests.

"Sounds good, i'm in" I say. 

"Shall we go for a little walk first? I need to stretch my legs" I laugh.

Lo'ak laughs and pushes me into the water. I swim to the surface and he's laughing uncontrollably. 

"Help me up then" I say mocking his laugh.

He holds a hand out for me to take and I take it but pull him in too instead. Now i'm laughing non stop. 

"Fair play" Lo'ak laughs with me. 

We swim to the shore and start walking along the beach talking a load of crap like usual. 

"If I had to be an animal i'd definitely be a tulkun!" Lo'ak exclaims.

"I'd be Toruk" I smirk.

"What a surprise" he scoffs and then laughs.

"Not all of us can be this mig...." I start then I get lifted off my feet and thrown over someones shoulders. 


"Put me down Sully" I demand.

I hear Neteyam chuckle and carry on walking with me on his back. Lo'ak is in fits of laughter at my situation behind us and i flip him off. I bite Neteyams shoulder and he drops me but catches me mid air. He looks at me then kisses me and puts me down. 

"Bro!" Lo'ak says and covers his eyes making both me and Neteyam laugh.

"Where were you this morning?" Neteyam asks and holds my hand. 

Lo'ak walks the other side of me. 

"I didn't want to disturb you so I thought i'd come for a swim" I say. 

He smiles and squeezes my hand. 

"Me and Lo'ak are actually going out today, you can join if you'd like?" I ask.

"Aonung and Rotxo have already asked me to hang today so i'll let you two have your bestie time" he says laughing.

"Okay" I say and get on my tiptoes to peck him.

"I love you" he says as I walk away.

"I love you too" I smile and me and Lo'ak walk to the water and call our ilus. We climb on and the ilus dive into the water, we slowly ride through the reef looking at all the fish species and various colours round us. We disconnect from our ilus and swim for a while showing each other different things we find cool in the water. While swimming a pod of fish swim to me and start circling my belly making me laugh. Lo'ak looks and laughs too causing him to lose his breath. 

I swim to a nearby glowing pair of breath wings and connect Lo'ak's tsaheylu to it. He relaxes and realises he can breath better with the wings.

We call the ilus again and ride to the spirit tree. We get there and glide off the ilus and swim to the tree. We choose branches near each other and both connect. I close my eyes and open them and this time I am in a forest. I look round at the various aspects of the forest in awe. I hear a snap behind me so I hide behind a nearby tree. I see avatars walking through the forest in their gear. 

"We need to find something or someone that will help us find the sully's" Miles says coming from the back of the group with a limp.

"Boss the captains got a lead" one of the avatars say holding onto his earpiece. 

"Let's go back then" Miles says and they walk away. 

I close my eyes and am bought back to the water. 

Lo'ak comes out the same time as me and we both swim to the surface. We swim to the nearest rock and sit down. 

"What did you see?" I ask Lo'ak.

"I was back in the forest and exploring the abandoned battlefield" he says.

"I think I was there too Lo'ak... only... sky people were there, they were looking for you guys" I say.

"That sounds weird bro" he says.

"Yeah..." I say confused.

Was this a nightmare? Was it a vision? Was it a sign?

We continue to explore for a while and then our ear pieces start to go off. 

"Lo'ak? Y/n?" we hear Jake.

"Yes sir" Lo'ak answers.

"Are you with y/n?" Jake asks.

"Yes i'm here" I say.

"Can you guys get back to the village please" he says and disconnects.

Me and Lo'ak look at each other confused then shrug and call the ilus back to ride home. We race all the way home and obviously I win. We glide off the ilus and walk onto the beach. We walk along the beach looking out for Jake. We see a sky people machine and Lo'ak says "Norm's here"

We walk over to the machine and see Norm speaking with everyone at my families hut. 

"Y/n" Norm smiles.

"Everything okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah all is fine, just coming for your check up" he says. 

"Oh okay" I say and follow him into my parents hut. Everyone leaves and leaves me and Norm.

"So how's things going?" Norm says making conversation.

"Good, I am with Neteyam now" I smile. 

"I heard, i'm very happy for you" he smiles back as he sticks all his sky people stuff to me. 

"Right your head is fine since the seizure, now let's see how your stomach has healed from the gunshot wound" he says. 

He organises his machines and then says "I was very sad to hear what happened y/n, but very happy when I heard what Lo'ak and Kiri did, its extraordinary"

"I know, i'm very lucky" I smile. 

He starts checking my stomach out with his sky people machines and looks at the screen confused. 

"Your wound is fine, like it was never there" he says

"But y/n, do you know... you're pregnant?"

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWhere stories live. Discover now