Chapter 24

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"I'm sorry" is all he says.

I stop and turn on my heel to look at him.

"Are you?" I reply in a cold tone.

"Of course I am, I never want to upset you and if it weren't for Tsireya and kiri I would have spoken to you straight away last night" he replies.

"I don't understand how last night even happened Neteyam? Everything was fine and then you were all fighting. In fact I didn't even know you were there!" I say getting angry.

"Okay y/n i'll explain. I was there before any of you and I was waiting for you. You turned up and before i could even take a step to come over Rowari shoved his way to you first. Then I saw you dancing and having a good time and I didn't want to interrupt you so I waited for you to be done. I tried to come over and Aonung stopped me. I don't understand what his problem was. Then Rowari gets involved. I walk away and be the bigger person but then he started on Lo'ak? I protect y/n, I couldn't let Lo'ak be treated that way."

"Rowari was cheering me up because YOU upset me Neteyam and as for Aonung he was looking out for me" I reply.

"I know i'm sorry for all that, I didn't mean for you to think I was calling you a liar, I didn't mean to upset you with my jealousy. I've never had anything like this y/n and I don't want to ruin it" he says and grabs my hands. I pull them away and say "Is that it? Anything else you want to tell me?"

He looks confused. I sigh and start walking away.

"Wait y/n! What else do you want me to say?"

"Are you being serious Neteyam?! I saw you with that metkayinan girl yesterday!" I cry.

"No, no, no y/n it's not like that at all" he exclaims.

"I don't want to hear it Neteyam, I open my heart to you and you do this" I say before trying to walk away again.

He grabs my arm and turns me towards him. "Y/n listen please!"

He ruffles into his little weapon pouch and pulls out something sparkly.

"Yes I was with another girl yesterday. But I was with her because I asked her to help me. With this" he says and shows me the shell necklace in his hands, its made up of various shiny seashells in pastel pinks and purples. "Its for you y/n"

I take the necklace and caress the shiny shells. It's beautiful. I look at him with watery eyes. I lost my other necklace while swimming and was devastated. So he got a new one made for me.

"Thank you" is all I can say and throw my arms round him.

"I'm truly sorry for what happened y/n, I know I can seem jealous at times but its because I care" he explains.

I smile at him and then...


"Y/n come quick!" Shouts Tsireya.

"Mother is bringing our new sibling into the world, let's go be by her side" She exclaims.

I look to Neteyam who tell me to go. I smile and grab his hand before I let go and run to my mother side.

After hours or screaming and pain through the night he is finally here. It's a boy! My new baby brother. Nuwani. He's beautiful and everything I could have dreamed of. We all take turn to hold our brother and when it is mine I look into his aqua eyes and tell him "I will always protect you, my little best friend" he smiles.

After a few hours during the afternoon it is announced to the clan of the arrival of my baby brother. The whole clan roars in cheers. Slowly the clan one by one visit Nuwani to give their blessing and love to him.

The day is mental, full of crying, feeding and pooping. Before we know it, it is night already. We are all sleeping and then "Waaaaa."

I get up to fetch Nuwani and my mother stirs "Do you want me to take him?" she ask.

"No it's fine, you rest mother, you need to heal" I say and walk out the hut to walk with Nuwani.

"You are so loved baby boy, you will never know" I say to him and he coos.

I begin to sing to him my favourite traditional na'vi children rhyme and he slowly falls back to sleep.

*Neteyam POV*

I can't sleep tonight. Me and y/n didn't exactly leave on bad terms, but then we also didn't feel like we were on the best terms. I understand with the arrival of her brother she will be busy now so I will give her time.

I walk out the hut to get some fresh air and see y/n on the beach.

I slowly walk towards her but stop as she starts speaking. I can't hear what she is saying, but then she begins to sing and it's the most beautiful song I have ever heard. She turns slightly and I see she's rocking her brother to sleep. She is so gentle and loving with him. I didn't think she could get any more beautiful .

"Y/n?" I call out quietly. She turns in shock and then looks down to her brother. He is sleeping now.


"What are you doing up Neteyam?" I ask him confused.

"I couldn't sleep, needed some air" he replies.

"Whats up?" I ask him.

"I was actually Kinda thinking about us" he replies.

"We left things kind of in the air before" he continues.

"Yeah I guess we did didn't we" I say.

I sit down on a rock and Neteyam sits down next to me.

"He is very cute, maybe he will be a mighty warrior like his big sister one day" he laughs to me.

I giggle and shove him.

"Are you admitting I am the mighty warrior now Neteyam Sully?" I laugh.

"No way, it will always be me!" he laughs back.

There's a comfortable pause.

"I better get back inside with Nuwani" I suggest to him.

"Of course! See you tomorrow?" he asks.

"Sure" I smile before walking to the hut.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWhere stories live. Discover now