Chapter 102

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I flutter my eyes open and am surprised to see Jeteyam wrapped round me asleep. I smile and tap Neteyam awake. He rolls over and smiles sleepily.

"He must have climbed out in the night" I whisper stroking Jeteyams messy braids. Ill redo them today.

We lay down for a while longer waiting for Jeteyam to wake up and discuss all things about the baby.

"So what do you think this time? Boy or girl?" I ask Neteyam.

He smiles and says "Another boy"

"That means girl then because you'll change your mind about 50 times before they are here" I laugh and he chuckles along.

"I love you y/n, so much" Neteyam says getting sentimental and puts his palm to my cheek.

"I love you too" I smile and kiss his hand.

Jeteyam starts to stir on me and opens his beautiful yellow eyes.

He smiles instantly at the sight of me.

"Hey baby, how did you get here then?" I smile.

He giggles and snuggles into me. I sit up with him and Neteyam gets up too. Jeteyam starts the day with a huge boom of energy and jumps from my lap onto Neteyam's. He stands on Neteyams lap and holds his hands and jumps up and down like hes on a trampoline making me laugh.

"Ready to go out?" I ask Jeteyam and he smiles and says "Yes mama!"

We all get up and walk out the hut and Jeteyam runs in front. Me and Neteyam grabbed our bows and we head to the tree area of the island for Jeteyam to choose a tree to make his bow from. We get to the trees and Jeteyam runs freely looking for the perfect tree. Me and Neteyam walk hand in hand following him round.

He finally chooses a tree that is on its own, no trees surround it like the others and it has yellow flowers on its branches.

"Ive never seen this kind of tree before" I say looking at its beauty in awe.

"Me neither" Neteyam adds.

Neteyam climbs the tree and chooses a large branch and uses his knife to cut it down. We drag the branch to the nearby waterfall and sit on the rocky edge while Jeteyam splashes in the water.

We explain thoroughly to Jeteyam the process of making the bow and hand him a small knife to try and do it himself. He focuses intensely and sticks his tongue out in concentration making me and Neteyam laugh. We help him where he needs it and then finally add the string on at the end. Jeteyam seems so proud of his bow, he runs round pretending to shoot trees.

We let him play for a while then we call him over and we walk to the training ground for him to practise with his new bow. As we walk along the beach towards the training ground we see Lo'ak, Aonung and Rotxo chilling at the landing bridge and Jeteyam runs ahead excitedly.

"Uncle Lo'ak! Uncle Aonung! Uncle Roxo! Look" he runs towards them.

"Hey bro!" Lo'ak says happily and picks him up.

"Look what I made!" he says proudly showing them his bow.

"Oh my Eywa, that is amazing Jeteyam" Rotxo says.

"You have everything you need to be a mighty warrior now!" Aonung plays along with him and Jeteyam laughs.

"Where's mine?" Lo'ak says with a fake pouty face.

"I'll make you one Uncle Lo'ak!" Jeteyam says with a smile.

He is the sweetest boy. And Lo'ak is very happy he is talking properly now and can say his name!

"Come on then my boy" Neteyam smiles and Jeteyam wriggles out of Lo'ak's arms.

"Where you guys going?" Aonung asks.

"Taking Jeteyam to test out his new bow" I smile.

"Mind if we join?" he asks.

"Course not" I say and we all walk on.

We get to the training ground and Jeteyam runs to the target and jumps around waiting for us to get there and adjust it for him. Neteyam adjusts it and we all stand back and let Jeteyam go for it. He picks up one of the mini arrows me and Neteyam made and all the precise with his father paid off, he aims the arrow with the bow and shoots and hits the target perfectly.

"Wow ma Neteyam, you have taught him well" I smile proudly.

"It runs in both our families, he gets it from you too" he smiles and grabs my hand.

"A mighty warrior" I smile looking at our son.

"Two mighty warriors" Neteyam smiles and places a hand on my still flat stomach.

Neytiri appears from the trees with her bow and looks pleased to see us. She scans the group then smiles widely and covers her mouth when she sees Jeteyam shooting his arrows perfectly.

She makes her way over to us and greets us then says "How are you feeling today y/n?"

"Much better today, I think the sickness is over now, finally" I smile.

"I'm glad" she smiles and we continue to watch Jeteyam.

After a while we decide to go back to the beach to watch the sunset before bed with Jeteyam. We say our byes and Neteyam carries Jeteyam along the beach as he's slowly getting more tired. We get to the landing bridge and walk along the wooden panels to the end and sit with our legs hanging over the edge. Jeteyam holds his arms out for me to take him from his dad and I take him and he snuggles into my chest. Neteyam grabs my hand closest to him and we watch the sky dance with colours of orange, pinks, reds and blues. As the sky darkens Jeteyam slowly falls to sleep on me and the rippling sound of the sea sends a peaceful tune onto the island.

We both take in the moment.

After a while we get up and with Jeteyam in my arms we walk back to the hut for the night. We get back and put Jeteyam in-between us as we lay down and cuddle.

"I feel so blessed to have such a perfect mate who has given me two perfect children" Neteyam smiles.

"Well, one and a half" I joke and he laughs "Skxawnd"

"Seriously though, I love you" he says and kisses me.

I smile and reply "I love you too"

We snuggle up and fall to sleep for the night.

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