Chapter 51

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Whats that light?

I open my eyes and adjust to the light round me.

Wow. I feel weird.

I try to move but I am wrapped up.

What the heck is going on?

I slide and wriggle my legs down and out the leaves and they unravel freeing my arms.

I stand up and feel weird still, theres an aching pain in my side, I look to see a stitched up wound. Oh my eywa I was shot, I remember. Spider.

I walk out the hut and shield my eyes from the bright sun. I walk along the beach and see no one nearby. I hear shouting going from the meeting point. I walk towards the noise.

"The funeral will be this afternoon" father says to everyone.

Then, I see him, back towards me.


Everyone is quiet.

He slowly turns and looks at me wide eyed.

"Y/n?" he says in disbelief.

I nod.

He runs to me and lifts me and won't let go. I giggle. He sniffles.

Is he crying?

I wriggle my way down out his arms and look at his red eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I ask him hugging him.

I look round and everyone looks shocked, all my friends have red eyes and tears streaming down their faces.

I open my arms for them all to join the hug and we have a group hug.

"Whats wrong everyone?" I ask again.

"You died" Aonung sniffs.


"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"When you got wounded, you died on that rock near the boat. You've been dead for almost a week!" Tsireya weeps.

"But how.... I don't..." I stutter.

"Kiri bought you back" Rotxo pipes up.

"Wow, this is all so much to take in" I say stumbling back.

Neteyam catches me and holds me tight.

"I thought you were gone, I lost you" he whispers in my ear.

"Come on guys give her some space" Jake says.

Mother and father stand there shocked. I run to them and hug them.

Father lets go and shouts to the clan "Y/n is home! Toruk Makto is home!"

The whole clan roars with cheers and clapping.

I look round and see Lo'ak standing on his own near the shore. I slip away and go to him.

"Whats up with you" I joke with him.

He looks at me with red eyes "It was all my fault y/n, if I didn't bring you with me to warn Payakan or ask you to help save spider then this wouldn't have happened"

"Lo'ak I told you on that rock the night i... you know. Not to blame yourself. I make my own decisions and id never let you do anything like that alone" I say and pull him into a huge hug.

"Check this out" he says and pulls a small photo from his dagger pocket. Its a photo of everyone on the beach laughing.

"We were going to send you to eywa with it so you remembered us" he adds.

"Wow, its amazing, what a thoughtful idea" I say.

"Hey y/n, lets all chill" Aonung shouts.

I smile and grab Lo'aks hand and we run to the others.

We all sit in a circle on the sand.

"What was it like y/n?" Rotxo asks.

"I honestly don't remember, it just felt like I woke up from a dreamless sleep" I reply.

"How did you even do this Kiri?" Tsireya asks.

"It was Lo'ak that told me to try, he said he..." she starts and looks at Lo'ak.

"I went to the spirit tree to see if I could see you y/n, I wasn't coping well, none of us were. I connected and was on your home beach. I went to your hut and you wasn't there but your parents were, they hinted to me someone special could connect like no one else to eywa when I wished you would come back" Lo'ak explained.

"You know what I think we should do" Rotxo suggest.

We all look at him and he says "Never have I ever"

We all laugh and nod.

Aonung goes to find the clam juice and Neteyam sits next to me.

He holds my hand and smiles at me.

Aonung returns with the bottle and sits down, he goes first.

"Never have I ever rode an Ikran" he says.

Me, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri drink.

"Never have I ever made things do stuff no one else can" Rotxo snickers.

"Really!" Kiri says and drinks.

"Never have I ever liked someone in that way" Tsireya says.

Me and Neteyam look at each other then drink, so does Kiri and Rotxo.

"Never have I ever died and come back to life" Kiri laughs.

I laugh and drink.

"Never have I ever bought someone back from the dead" I laugh.

Kiri laughs and drinks then looks at Lo'ak/

"What?" he asks.

"You helped me bring her back, drink" she says.

He scoffs and drinks.

"Never have I ever mated" Lo'ak says.

No one drinks.

"Never have I ever snook out to steal a body" Neteyam eyes Lo'ak and Kiri.

They both drink and giggle.

"Never have I ever gave someone a hickey" I say amused.

Neteyam looks at me with a side eye. Then drinks.

"Never have I ever fought sky people" Aonung says.

Me, Lo'ak, Neteyam and Kiri drink.

"Never have I ever killed someone" Rotxo says.

Me, Lo'ak and Neteyam drink.

"Never have I ever loved someone" Tsireya says.

Everyone looks at me.

Me and Neteyam drink and don't look at each other.

Everyone smirks.

"Never have I ever wanted to go to bed as much as I do right now" Lo'ak laughs as he lets out a huge yawn.

Everyone drinks.

Bed time. We all stand up and start walking to out huts. Neteyam holds me back and grabs my arm.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"I just needed to make sure this was all real" he smiles.

I smile back and cup his cheeks with my hands "It is, i'm here"

He puts his hands over mine and leans in to kiss me. It's a sweet kiss. An I missed you kiss. We pull away and smile. He pulls me back in for a hug.

He walks me to my hut and then says bye and pecks me. He walks away to his hut and I go inside. I lay down and think about the crazy day I have just had. I go to sleep after a while.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora