Chapter 91

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*6 months later*

I wake up gradually and turn over looking into the basket beside me and my 7 month old Jeteyam is still lying there asleep.

'7 months of loving you baby boy' I think to myself as I stare at him in awe.

Neteyam stirs beside me and smiles when he sees me and pulls me in for a cuddle. I lift my leg over his and put my arms round his neck and hug him tightly and snuggle into his warm body.

"He slept through again" Neteyam says.

"Yep, two night in a row" I say pulling back and smiling.

"What shall we do today?" I ask Neteyam and he thinks.

"We could take Jeteyam swimming?" he suggests and I smile.

"Sounds good" I say and peck him then we hear movement from the basket. I scoot over and then Jeteyam pops his head from the edge of the basket and smiles at me and his dad. I giggle at him and he laughs back then I lift him out and place him down and he crawls over to Neteyam and snuggles between the both of us. Family cuddles. After a chilled out morning in the hut we decide to take Jeteyam swimming like Neteyam suggested.

We walk to the beach and Neteyam carries Jeteyam half of the way then puts him down and holds his arms and Jeteyam walks with support for steps then gives up and drops to the floor. He crawls in front of us the rest of the way and watches the na'vi kids round him as he crawls by.

We get to the shallow part of the water where we have taken him before and he heads straight for the water. I follow him in and he sits in the water and splashes it using his hands. Me and Neteyam sit either side of him and splash along too and laugh at his funny's giggle. He laughs when a baby ilu comes by and splashes him in the face and I notice something. Is that?

I pick him up and inspect and I gasp.

"Ma Neteyam! His first tooth!" I exclaim and Neteyam looks and smiles widely.

"Yo!" we hear behind us. I turn and see Lo'ak, Aonung and Rotxo as well as Tsireya, Tuk and Kiri all walking over.

"Hey" I smile and put Jeteyam back down and he continues to splash happily.

They all join us sitting in the water and Aonung uses his tail to send a hug wave of water at Jeteyam and Jeteyam belly laughs as the wave crashes into him. We all laugh along and watch Jeteyam happily. Tuk starts playing with Jeteyam.

"He is getting so big now" Tsireya exclaims.

"I know, too fast" I say slightly frowning.

"He just cut his first tooth" Neteyam tells the proudly and I smile at him boasting about his son.

"Guys! Look! The tulkun!" Tuk shouts excitedly as we see Tulkun bop in and out of the water.

"Oh my eywa!" Kiri exclaims and everyone goes deeper into the water to greet the tulkun. I grab Jeteyam and Neteyam calls his ilu and we ride towards the pod. We get closer and we drift through the pod looking for my spirit sister, Payakan and their baby. After a bit of searching I see her in the distance with Payakan. We ride over an Lo'ak follows and we glide off the ilu and swim to them. I have Jeteyam attached to my stomach as I swim and when I stop I let him go. He wiggles his bum and swims to the surface and smiles. I keep close to be safe.

'Hello sister' my spirit sister says as she reaches us.

'Hello sister! how are you?' I sign.

'I'm good, is this your baby?' she sings.

'It is, this is Jeteyam' I sign and my spirit sister swims closer and looks at him .

'He is beautiful' she says and then Payakan comes over with Lo'ak and Neteyam grabs Jeteyam. Their baby we met last time appears and they are much bigger now. Then a small tulkun follows that one and I look at Neteyam confused.

'This is our second baby sister' she signs.

'Wow, you've been busy!' I sign and chuckle to myself and Lo'ak joins in.

Jeteyam wriggles from Neteyam and sways over to the baby tulkun. He touches the tulkun and smiles widely.

'How sweet!' I sign to Neteyam and he nods.

The baby tulkun opens its mouth and Jeteyam looks confused. The tulkun moves its tsaheylu to Jeteyams and connects them.

'Oh my eywa! Spirit brother!' I sign and my spirit sister smiles.

I swim to Neteyam and he hugs me from the side as we watch our baby boy make his first bond proudly. The others swim over and watch in awe. He is adored by so many people. After a full afternoon of tulkun chat, swimming and chilling we grab Jeteyam and head back to the beach for the night as its getting late. The tulkun move on for the night and we ride back on Neteyams ilu. We get to the beach and say goodbye to everyone before starting our walk back to the hut.

We get back to the hut and eat and feed Jeteyam before he has a night feed from me and falls asleep in my arms. I look down at him with such a full heart and Neteyam hugs me from behind and snakes his hands round my waist.

"How is he so perfect" I say as I inspect his beautiful teal skin, his small black fluff of hair and his beautifully shaped lips.

"Because he's yours" Neteyam says and kisses my cheek.

"He is ours" I laugh and he smiles.

I place Jeteyam in hi s basket and lay down next to Neteyam. We look up at the sky and watch the stars appear across the black and navy background.

"Never did I think when I left the forest that day id be as happy as I am right now, with a baby! and a mate!" Neteyam says still looking up at the sky.

"Never did I think when forest na'vi turned up at my village that i'd fall in love and have a baby with one of them" I giggle.

"I'm glad I did" he smiles and pecks me.

"Me to" I smile and look over at the baby sleeping in the basket.

I snuggle into Neteyam and watch the stars as I drift into a peaceful sleep.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя