Chapter 19

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I slowly walk out the hut and look round at my surroundings. I walk towards the water and dip my feet in, I've missed this. I look round and notice Neteyam sitting on the beach. I check my hair in the waters reflections before I start to walk towards him, he didn't come to visit me at all while i've been recovering so i'm going to ignore him just like he has done to me. 

He looks at me as I walk towards him and goes to say something but I walk past. I hear the sand shift and footsteps following and he's next to me now. 

"Y/n how are you feeling now?" he asks.

I ignore him and continue to walk. He follows.

"Y/n? what's wrong?" he asks.

I stop and turn to him. "Whats wrong?" I reply in a cold tone. 

I dive into the water and head to the cave. I do not want to deal with him right now. He doesn't come to see me while i've been recovering now he wants to talk? 

I get to the cave and plop myself down onto the floor. I sign. Why are things so difficult? I chill for about an hour before I hear noises coming from outside the cave. 

"Y/n?" Neteyam calls out.

He turns into the cave and looks at me. I look in the other direction and he sighs. He sits next to me and I shuffle away. 

"What's wrong y/n?" he asks again.....

"Are you being serious neteyam?!" I shout. "I almost died and you didn't visit me once while I was lying in that hut recovering! I waited everyday to see if you'd walk into that hut and nothing."

He pauses. 

"I'm sorry" he says while looking to the sand. 

"It's not good enough Neteyam. I needed you and you wasn't there" I reply.

He winces and says "I couldn't bare to see you like that y/n, it was killing me."

" I can't do this Neteyam" I whisper as I get up to leave. 

"Y/n wait, please!" he says following me.

I don't stop. 

He grabs me and turns me round. 

"Y/n you mean so much to me and I couldn't bare to see you that way because of me. I should have noticed something was up." 

"It's not your fault Neteyam." Is all I say.

He looks at me with gazing eyes. I look back into his golden eyes. 

He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips. I kiss him back and wrap my arms round his neck and he wraps his round my waist. I never want this to end. This feels so special. 

We pull away and he smiles widely, I blush and look at the sand. He tilts my head back towards him and pecks me again. 

"So..." he says.

"Yeah..." I reply back. 

We both start to laugh. This moment feels so special. We sit down and I snuggle into Neteyam's arms and spend time talking about random things for hours. 

It gets dark so we decide to head back. We walk out of the cave and as I go to call my ilu he twirls me round and kisses me again. More passionate than the last but not too much. I can't help but smile. He calls his ilu and sits on it before grabbing my waist and pulling me onto it. I wrap round him and we ride to the village. 

We approach the beach and swim the rest of the way hand in hand. We walk out the water holding hands and walk along the beach. We get to my hut first and turn to each other. 

"Y/n is that you? come in it's late" my father says .

I look at Neteyam and wave bye as I get into the hut. He waves and walks to his hut. 

I go and lay next to Tsireya and she rolls over to look at me. "Where have you been?" she asks. 

"I was with Neteyam" I reply. 

"You finally spoke? What did he have to say?" she questions.

I explain the whole situation to her and then " so that happened then I tried to leave and we kinda, sorta... kissed" 

She lets out a small gasp. "Omg!" is all she says.

I laugh and roll over "Go to sleep Tsireya!" 

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt