Chapter 59

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*Neteyam POV*

I wake up this morning and look over to see Lo'ak sitting up zoned out.

"You okay little bro?" I say as I sit up.

"Yeah I'm good, just thinking when I should go speak to y/n" Lo'ak replies to me.

"Well I was thinking last night and I think I know what i'm going to do to make it up to her" I say.

"What is it?" Lo'ak asks.

"Remember her birthday and she was meant to come to the spirit tree for a date?" I ask.

"Yeah bro" Lo'ak says.

"Well i'm going to do that, its eclipse tonight so it will be even more special and hopefully she will forgive me" I say

"Sounds good bro" Lo'ak says.

"I might need some help though little bro, I need you to keep her occupied all day whilst I set it up" I ask him.

"For sure bro" Lo'ak says.

I smile and stand up.

I head out the hut and make my way to the beach I stretch then dive into the water and call my ilu. I connect my tsaheylu and ride to the spirit tree. I get there and the set up is sightly messed up but nothing a neaten up won't fix.

I spend the next couple of hours making it perfect for y/n, I rearrange all the flowers with fresh ones, I neaten up the blanket and put the fresh snacks in the basket ready. I place each shell individually and make a heart shape out of them. I make some more last minute adjustments before the sun starts to set.

I call my ilu and ride back to the beach to find y/n. I get to the beach and look round for her a while and then I see her and Lo'ak walking on the other end of the beach, I start jogging over my hair swinging past my shoulders and get closer.

"Y/n" I shout.

Nothing. I get closer.

"Y/n can we talk?" I ask her.

She looks to Lo'ak then he leaves. She turns to me with her arms folded and eyebrows raised.

"Follow me" I say and go to turn away.

She stays still and says "Where?"

"You'll find out please come" I say and hold my hand out for her to take.

"Fine" she says and walks past me dodging my hand. She's hot when she's mad. I follow her and call my ilu, I climb on then help y/n on behind me.

I ride through the water once we're on and head to the spirit tree.


We ride for a while and end up heading towards the spirit tree. We get there and the sunset is beautiful, there's a range of orange, pinks and purples in the sky. Neteyam rides to the shore of the spirit tree beach and jumps off. He holds out his hands to me to help me down and I take them.

He grabs my hand and leads me across the beach and I see a blanket with a basket on top, flower arrangements and shells decorating the blanket with a heart. How sweet.

"Neteyam what is this?" I say in awe.

"I want to make it up to you after yesterday" he says and leads me to the blanket and we sit down.

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