Chapter 52

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Today is a new day and I have been given a second chance. I wake up before everyone else so creep out and head to the beach. I walk along the warm sand and take everything in round me.

"Morning" a cheery voice says behind me as i'm scooped up from my feet and spun round.

"Morning Lo'ak" I smile as he puts me down.

"What we doing today?" he asks.

"What are WE doing?" I mock him.

"Yes, WE, i'm never leaving your side again" he says.

I laugh and continue walking, he follows.

"We should have a water game day with everyone" Lo'ak suggests.

"Sounds good why don't you tell them all" I say.

Ne nods and runs off back to the huts. Ive bought myself at least 15 minutes of alone time. I continue to walk and then "Y/n!"

I feel arms snake round my waist from behind and a face in the crook of my neck. Okay, I don't mind this interruption. I lift my arm to head and turn myself round to face him. I smile widely. He smiles back.

"Morning love" he whispers in my ear. It send shivers down body.

He cant keep his hands off me.

"Whats got you so happy this morning" I tease him.

"You, i'm never letting you go, taking in every inch of you and never taking it for granted" he smiles.

"Skxawnd" I laugh and nudge him.

I dive into the water and Neteyam follows me. We swim for a bit while we wait for everyone else. He pulls me underwater and pulls me closer to kiss me. He wraps his arms round my waist and makes his way to my butt. I use my tail to whip his hands and makes him jump. I laugh and kiss him again. We resurface and some of the group is making their way over.

My smile fades as I see someone next to Lo'ak. Spider.

"Hey guys sorry we took a while" Lo'ak says.

Before anyone else could say anything I look at spider and call my ilu and ride off.

"Y/n?!" Neteyam shouts after me.

*Neteyam POV*

"Y/n?!" I shout but she rides away.

"What was that about?" Kiri asks.

"No idea" Lo'ak answers.

Spider looks to the water and doesn't say a word. The day we bought y/n home when we lost her spider did not leave the hut until.. well now. No one has really seen him.

"I'm going to see if I can find y/n" Tsireya says and rides off too.

"I guess we can chill while we wait" Lo'ak says and slides off his ilu.

'I'll go find y/n to speak after Tsireya has come back' I think to myself.


I ride all the way to my comfort cave and see Toruk.

"Hello boy!" I smile and stroke him.

"I missed you!" I add.

I walk to the set up and look out at the water. Then after around half hour I hear movement and Tsireya appears round the cave.

"Hey you okay?" she ask as she sits next to me.

"Yeah i'm fine" I say with a deep exhale.

"Come on, it's me, you can talk to me" she says.

I breathe in and out deeply.

"You know the day of the fight?" I start.

She nods so I continue "Well I saw something and I don't know what to do"

"Well what did you see?" she asks.

I bite my lip and contemplate telling her but its eating me up.

"When I got shot, I turned round and saw Spider helping the colonel out the water and saved him. He's the reason I died and the reason the colonel is still out there, no one knows" I huff.

"Oh my eywa, y/n you need to tells someone" she says.

"Who? Lo'ak and Spider have been best friends since they were children, I love Lo'ak I could never upset him like that. If I tell father him and Jake will stop at noting to find colonel and I could be the reason someone gets hurt or worse... dies" I rant.

"I don't know y/n, I really think you should tell someone" She says nervously.

"I can't risk it Tsireya, I just need to avoid Spider" I say.

She nods but still looks unsure.

I stand up and say "Im going to go for a walk on the beach, see you later?"

She nods still looking unsure and I dive into the water and swim away.

*Neteyam POV*

Its been a few hours and Tsireya and y/n never came back to join us. I wonder what they're doing. I decide to leave the group and make my way back. I'm riding back and I see Tsireya on the bridge looking worried. I swim over.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know, it's nothing" she says.

"Come on you can talk to me" I say smiling.

"I cant, it's bad" she says.

"Look you've been there for me, let me be there for you" I say.

"Please don't say I told you then" she begs.

I cross my heart and she sighs.

"I found Y/n and she told me something and I think she should tell someone but she won't" she say vaguely.

"Im sure if it was that bad she would tell someone, or at leats me or Lo'ak" I say.

"Thats the thing, she won't tell anyone and I think she should" Tsireya whines.

"Well I cant help unless I know" I say hinting.

She thinks for a few seconds and then sighs again "The reason y/n died, on the day of the fight, she got out the water and saw Spider helping colonel Miles out the water and onto his Ikran. The colonel shot y/n and Spider didn't tell anyone. No one knows he's still out there or that spider was the one who saved him and caused y/n's death" she blurts out of breathe.

"What?" I say, all I can see is red.

"Why wouldn't she tell me?" I say.

"She doesn't think Lo'ak would believe her because Spider is his best friend and she doesn't want anyone to get hurt looking for the colonel" Tsireya explains.

I need to go find y/n. She needs to tell me this herself so I can convince her to tell our fathers. Spider will get what he deserves.

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