Chapter 46

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*Neteyam POV*

"I love you all...." y/n trails off.


I shake her and she doesn't wake up.

"Y/n?" I say.

"Y/N!" I shake her again.

Ronal starts to wail and Tsireya and Aonung hold each other crying.

Mother and father are hugging and Tuk is crying into Kiri who is also crying.

"It's okay, she'll be okay, keep pressure on it" Lo'ak is repeating to himself again and again while holding y/n's wound.

Father grabs Lo'aks arm "She's gone son"

"No, she will be okay" Lo'ak responds and hugs y/n's body tightly.

I'm froze still. I can't move, I can't talk, I can't do anything.

She can't be gone.

Father pries Lo'ak off y/n and Lo'ak cries into fathers chest.

I shuffle closer to her. I move the beautiful locks of hair from her face and tuck them behind her ear, I place my palm to her cheek and say "Come on y/n, wake up" "Please" "Y/n!"

Father tries to pull me away but I hiss in response.

"Son, we need to take her back" father says to me.

"No, she will wake up soon, she's got to wake up" I respond hopefully.

Everyone is still crying.

"Come on guys, cheer up, she will wake up" I say.

They all continue to cry.

I look down at her and she looks so beautiful and peaceful.

Lo'ak comes behind me and places a hand to my shoulder.

"Bro" he says.

"No Lo'ak she cant be" I respond.

"Bro" he says and turns me round.

Ive never seen him this upset. This cant be real. She cant be dead. Is she?

I look down and she is loosing her colour, her chest is still and her hand is cold.


My eyes fill with tears and I pull Lo'ak down to my level and hug him. He cries into me as tears silently fall from my eyes.

Tonowari approaches to pick her up and I stop him.

"Please sir, allow me" I beg.

"You are wounded" he responds.

"I will help" Lo'ak jumps in.

I bend down and pick y/n up bridal style. I struggle at first with my arm but I get a rush of adrenaline and carry her to the ilu. Lo'ak follows and I climb onto the ilu with y/n on my lap and Lo'ak is holding her steady from the side of the ilu in the water. We slowly start riding back to the village.

We get back to the village led by the others and as we approach people start cheering. Then we get closer and they see y/n. We can hear gasps and whispers from across the water.

We arrive and me and Lo'ak carry y/n onto the beach. Everyone moves out our way as we carry her.

"Y/n, Toruk Makto, my daughter. She will not die in vain. Those sky people will pay for what they have taken from us" Tonowari shouts to everyone.

Some na'vi shout back in agreement and the others are weeping.

Me and Lo'ak carry y/n to her hut and place her down on the floor.

Lo'ak is still crying and holds y/n's hand.

I join on the other side and hold her other hand.

Hours pass and Lo'ak leaves with father.

"Neteyam, come home please" mother begs me.

Im froze in the same spot I was hours ago.

I cant leave her.

I won't leave her.

"Neteyam, her family need to see her" mother continues and starts to pull me up.

I let her drag me up and she looks into my eyes. I weep and hug her.

*The day before*

I woke up today and I'm so excited. It's y/n's birthday and im doing her surprise picnic over at the spirit tree beach. I get up and walk round the hut looking for the stuff I need for today.

"Good morning son, are you okay?" mother asks me as she appears in the entrance.

"Im very good mother, you?" I reply.

"I'm good" she replies.

"Any plans today?" she says smirking.

I smile and nod "After the party i'm taking y/n to a beautiful place I found for a birthday picnic and giving her this" I say as I pull out the pearl necklace.

"Its beautiful Neteyam" mother says.

"I hope she thinks so too" I reply.

"Do you really like her then?" mother questions me.

"Yeah, I do. When im round her everything seems still, everything seems perfect and I feel at home. I have this urge to protect her and feel down when I'm not with her" I say.

"That sounds like love to me my boy" father says stepping into the hut.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, that's how I felt about your mother, you just need to see if y/n feels the same way. If the bond is there and if she does feel the same you are soulmates" father says.

"I guess I do Love her then. I'll tell her tonight" I say cheerfully.

"Good luck my son" father says and mother smiles proudly.

*Current time*

Mother drags me out the hut and I feel empty. Like there's nothing in the world to cure this sadness I feel. I let go of mother and say "I need some time alone" before diving into the water and going to the only place I know I can go. The cave.

I get to the cave and there by the entrance is Toruk. I approach and he looks at me sadly. I sit next to him and look out at the ocean.

"I cant believe she is gone" I say aloud.

Toruk puts his head next to mine and huffs sadly.

I lay down and look up at the sky, my favourite thing to do with y/n was look up at the stars and just be In each others company.

"Oh eywa, why have you taken her? she was so young, she was my person, she was my soulmate" I whisper to myself.

It gets dark so I head back to the village and go straight to the hut, I walk past y/n's hut and see people round her. I walk faster to my hut and go to my area of the hut. I lie down and spend most of the night in shock and not believing what happened today. I finally end up falling to sleep.

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