Chapter 61

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*Neteyam POV*

"See you later?" I ask y/n.

She nods and gives me a kiss.

Me and Lo'ak walk away towards the training ground where our ikran are.

I feel this longing feeling to be back with y/n.

Lo'ak interrupts my thoughts and says "So how did it go bro, i'm assuming you sorted things"

I smile "It was good little bro"

"We talked about the situation and I apologised and said I will never do anything to upset her again, we said we loved eachother and then...." I trail off.

"What?" Lo'ak asks.

"We mated" I say smiling thinking about last night.

"Yoooo bro that's crazy!" Lo'ak says.

"I know, it doesn't feel real" I say in disbelief.

"Well thanks" Lo'ak says.

"For what?" I say confused.

"Making my best friend my sister" he laughs.

I laugh too.

"It's weird, I feel even closer to her than I already was" I say.

"Well congrats bro" Lo'ak says to me.

I smile and we climb onto out Ikran. We lift into the air and start to fly round the islands for a while, having some brotherly time. I've missed this.

After a while we head back to the village and land our Ikran, we jump off and start walking to the beach to find the others. We see the girls sitting underneath the bridge and they're laughing. I love when she is happy. We start to walk towards them and Lo'ak speeds up in front of me and sneaks up behind y/n. He shouts behind her and makes her jump.

"You skxawnd!" she shouts.

"That was so funny!" Lo'ak laughs and falls to the floor.

The girls all get up and start walking along the beach, I walk next to y/n and intwine my fingers with hers. Lo'ak catches up and walks with us.

"How are you going to tell our parents?" Kiri asks.

"You told them?" I ask y/n.

"Erm yeah..." Y/n says quietly.

"That's fine, I told lo'ak" I laugh.

"To answer your question, I have no idea" she says to Kiri.

"Maybe we should get it over and done with now?" I suggest.

Y/n thinks then nods in agreement.


Me and Neteyam break off from the group and walk hand in hand towards his hut first. We get closer and I stop.

"Neteyam i'm scared" I say worried.

"It's fine, i've got you" he says squeezing my hand and my worries melt away. He truly is one of a kind.

We get to the hut and I take a deep breath. We slowly walk into the hut and Neytiri and Jake are sitting making food. They look up at us and smile.

"Hey, you okay?" Jake asks.

"Yeah, we actually wanted to talk to you guys" Neteyam says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I squeeze his hand to reassure him like he did for me and he smiles at me.

We sit down opposite them in the hut and look at each other.

"So..." Neteyam says.

"Whats wrong? Has something happened? Why cant you tell us my boy?" Neytiri worries.

"No, everyone is fine, everything is fine" Neteyam reassures her.

"Its just, we wanted to let you know.... we are mates now" he says trailing off nervously.


"My boy! A man now!" Jake smiles and comes to give him a hug.

He comes to me and gives me a hug too.

"I'm very proud of you my eldest son" Neytiri says holding Neteyams arm.

"And I am proud of you y/n, you have been through so much, you deserve to be happy" she says.

I smile in response.

We hang around for a while then decide to leave as we need to speak to my parents now. This is the scary part.

We start walking to the hut and I say "That went well" Neteyam agrees and then we get to my hut and again take a deep breath before we enter.

Father is sitting looking at maps of the island and mother is feeding Nuwani.

They both look up at us and smile.

"Are you okay daughter" father says.

"Yes I'm good, we actually wanted to speak to you both" I say.

"We're listening" mother says.

"We wanted to let you know that we... me and Neteyam are... mated now" I say.

They both look at each other.

"Are you happy?" mother asks me.

"I am, so happy mother" I say as I hug Neteyams arm.

"Then we are happy for you my dear" she says and hugs me.

Father hugs me then gets to Neteyam "Keep her safe and don't hurt her" he warns him.

"Yes sir" Neteyam says.

We sit and talk for a while then me and Neteyam excuse ourselves to find everyone again.

We walk along the shore and Neteyam says "I'm glad thats over with"

"Same, it went well I think" I say.

"It did" he says and stops in his tracks.

"Now they all know you're mine" he says smiling and leans in for a kiss.

I kiss him back and wrap my arms round his neck. His hands are resting on the bottom of my back and our lips move in sync. He lowers his hands to my legs and lifts me up and walks us to the trees nearby so we are out of sight from anyone. He leans me against a tree while i'm still wrapped round him. We kiss until our lips are sore, every inch of our bodies has been explored by each other and our bodies are begging for each other.

I pull away from him breathless and stop before anything happens.

"They're going to be wondering where we are" I say.

"Let them wait" he says sexily and kisses me again.

I giggle against his lips and kiss him back. I pull away and say "Come on now" laughing.

He groans and pulls me away from the tree and lifts me off him.

We walk hand in hand back to the shore on the beach and we see the group sitting on the beach.

"Hey guys, we heard, congrats" Rotxo says.

We smile and join them.

We spend a while sitting and talking to everyone, having friend time. It gets late so we all decide to head to bed. We all start walking to the huts and when it's time to part Neteyam stops us. He kisses me and says "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" I smile and kiss him back. We separate and I get this sad feeling because I don't want to be away from him. Me, Tsireya and Aonung get to the hut and lay down to sleep.

Best 24 hours ever!

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