Chapter 54; Study Group

Start from the beginning

Eijirou - " you two want to adopt Sans. That would make us brothers in the legal sense."

Hitoshi face palmed. He wasn't joking about Eijirou being dense as a rock.

Ichika - "Yes sweet boy, Sans will be our son every bit as you are. Is this okay with you?"

Eijirou broke into a massive grin.

Eijirou - "Hell yeah! Sorry about my language Ma, but I'm all for this!"

Hitoshi - "I'm one to agree, though less over the top. Azzy is my little brother, plain and simple. Speaking of who, he and I made plans to go to the arcade. See you later and good luck with Sans."

Hitoshi booked it out of the house where Asriel waited. Eijirou hugged his moms and then awkwardly shook his teachers and newly appointed godfathers' hands.

Grillby came down the stairs with Sans slung over his shoulder. Said boy was pouting, wearing his glasses, with a decently sized Blaster holding his stuffed bookbag.

Grillby - "I found this one trying to sneak out the window."

Eijirou - "Thanks for getting him Grillby. I'll go ahead and take him."

Eijirou took Sans to pinned his arms to his sides. Katsuki grabbed Sans's legs and the trio started walking out the door.


Grillby - "Ah. I understand now."


Sans - "This is so boring."

Sans, Eijirou, and Katsuki sat in the library. Both Eijirou and Sans were getting tutored by Katsuki who was a complete drill sergeant. He smacked a rolled up pamphlet on both their heads when they got something wrong. They got plenty of odd looks from passersby, but they were learning. Sans had always been a fast learner, but he was also a self assured lazy bones. He was learning more Japanese, English, and history at an exceptional pace, but he was bored. He always hated studying because it never took long and it was incredibly monotonous.

Eijirou - "Sorry bro. Why don't we take a break for lunch?"

Katsuki - "Whatever. Come'ere Richter."

Sans lazily hung off of Katsuki's back while Eijirou packed up their stuff. It was a short walk to the nearest restaurant. Sans just couldn't wait for the mind numbing studying to be over with.

Sans - "Kats, I'm gonna have nightmares of a history book because of you. I hope you're happy with yourself."

Despite his grumpiness, Sans nuzzled into the back of Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki - "Yeah yeah. What do you want to eat?"

Sans - "Takoyaki."

Eijirou - "Add three orders of takoyaki please."

Waitress - "And to drink?"

Katsuki - "Black coffee, a blueberry bubble tea with extra boba, and a red powerade."

Sans - "Bubble tea?"

Katsuki - "You've been in Japan for two years and you've never heard of boba?"

Sans - "I've heard of it. I just never bothered to learn what it is or try it."

Eijirou - "I offered it to him once, but he refused. It was when you first arrived, remember?"

Sans - "Yeah. I didn't trust a lot of the food here. I tried to subsist on water and ketchup for a few days before I caved and ate something."

Eijirou - "Oh yeah! Ma ordered some barbeque takeout and you devoured everything."

Sans - "Meat is a godsend. In the Underground we really only have plant based foods. Animals never survived in the Underground, but with the help of magic we could grow crops and raise snails."

Katsuki - "Snails?"

Sans - "In the recent fifty years of the Underground, Monsters began raising and breeding wild snails. They're really good, when prepared properly. I would show you, but I don't have access to healthy and pure bred snails here."

Katsuki and Eijirou thanked every lucky star they had for that.

Waitress - "Here's your drinks, I'll be right back with your food."

Sans took the violently blue drink and stared at it incredulously. Katsuki was mixing sugar into his coffee and Eijirou watched him like the overexcited shark he is.

Sans - "Eiji, why are you staring at me?"

Eijirou - "Bro! It's your first bubble tea! Hold on, I need to video this for Mina."

Eijirou pulled out his phone and started recording Sans.

Sans - "Eiji, know what nevermind."

Sans took a long and annoyed slurp of his drink. He looked down at the cup in surprise and chuckled.

Sans - "It's not that bad, but I could do without the boba pearls."

Eijirou - "That's it?! Where's the sparkles and the wide eyes and the speechlessness?!"

Katsuki - "Dude, this isn't an anime."

Eijirou - "Still though! I was expecting a better reaction than that!"

Eijirou's steak sandwich and Sans's first order of Takoyaki finally arrived. Sans started eating as his phone lit up from on the table.

Eijirou - "Undyne wants to video call?"

Sans - "Kats, wanna answer please?"

Undyne - " Hey punk and co.! Do you have any plans tomorrow Sans?"

Sans - "Not really why?"

Katsuki was about to interrupt, saying they had more studying to do tomorrow, but Sans shoved a piece of takoyaki in his face.

Undyne - "I finally got the adoption process settled and I want you to meet my kid."

Sans - "That's great! I'll be over with Azzy and Grillby!"

Undyne - "See you tomorrow Sa -"

Nezu - "Taking a personal call during training, Miss Undyne?"

The call went dead as Sans snickered at his aunt's predicament.

Katsuki - "Now that that's over, hurry up and eat. I have to cram as much information in your pretty little head as possible because you won't be here tomorrow."

Sans - "I DON'T WANT TO!"

Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 💖💖😊😊 
1403 words 

This chapter is dedicated to FallenHaloesRings for their amazing commentary

Here's some questions to those who got this far. 

1. How do you think Sans would cook snails for his friends?

2. How would Sans react to Escargot?

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