Chapter 60 - Down Time XVI

Start from the beginning

I mean, I'm still doing some work, but yes, it's my day off.

Also, please don't hack Schale.

Fufu~ That's great! I'll send you some coordinates later.

I'll be waiting for you at Millennium, Sensei.

You're lucky I'm already headed that way.

Groaning as I pocket my phone, I get up and call out, "Arona."

"Yes?" My AI pal says, peeking from around the corner of another room.

"I'm heading over to Millennium for a while. Don't cause too much trouble." I tease.

"Geez, you know I won't, Sensei." She says as I walk away.

"And no boys in the house!"


I laugh as I leave my office, hearing Arona's embarrassed shout.


After reaching Millennium, I want over to the Engineering Club's workshop, where I found Utaha muttering while messing with some stuff on a desk. "No... This won't do..."

"I'm here!" I call out, walking up to her.

"Ah!" She squeals, jumping a bit. "Sensei? You're here. Please wait, I need a little more time. I've come across a small, unanticipated problem."

"With the pencil holder?" I ask, a tad confused. "What's wrong?"

"Normally this doesn't happen, but the machine seems to be in poor condition today." The purple haired meister explains. "I hope we don't have the same issue..."

Utaha and I then watched the 3D printer make the pencil holder. The 3D priniters back home were nowhere near as fast as these. After a short while, it make a 'ding' sound, signifying it's done.

"Wow. It made a damn good pencil holder. Looks perfect!" I say, amazed. "This should-"

"THAT'S NOT IT!" Utaha suddenly shouts, causing me to recoil.

"What's not it?" I ask, eyes wide.

"That's not the pencil holder I was trying to make!" She reiterates, grabbing the pencil holder from the machine.

"Whaddya mean?" I ask.

"Look at it!" She says, dramatically pointing at the pencil holder with her other hand. "The finish is sloppy, and the lamination isn't curved like on the blueprint! And the durability is too weak! This wouldn't even be able to deflect a twenty-two caliber!"

"Utaha, I just want a pencil holder." I stress, deadpan. "It doesn't need to be bulletproof or perfect in every little way, so long as it does what it's meant to."

"No. Even if it's fine with you, it's not fine with me." She argues. "This is a defective product!" With that yell, she throws the defective creation on the ground, shattering it at our feet. "I'd be so embarrassed if all the other students found out I gave you a defective gift... Don't worry, Sensei. I'll create a truly perfect pencil holder for the honor of the Engineering Club. Please come back in just a little while!" She declares, getting back to work.

Sighing, I relent. "Okay. I'll come back by in a few hours." I say, as I leave the club room.


Walking through the halls of Millennium, I still can't help but marvel at how pristine this place is.

"Noooooo!" A girl yells, causing me to tense.

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