Yandere Guiding Light (Male) x GN Reader

Start from the beginning

"That you were kidnapped by Guiding Light. Please tell me I misheard you, human," he says, genuinely hoping his almost omnipotent ears were wrong.

"Nope. You heard right. He's been holding me captive for a month," I admit, looking down at my feet, "he's by far one of the craziest yanderes I've ever seen."

"A month? He's been holding you here for a month?" Figure asks, taking a step back in shock.

"Yep. A month," I repeat, confirming what I said.

Figure thinks for a while and turns his head back in my direction.

"Well, I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm going to take you to door 0100 and let you go. Light's gone insane and you've been in the hotel for a month," he says, shaking his head in disapproval, "follow me."

Figure walks to the right of the library and walks over to the bookshelf by the stairs. He pulls out a book and part of the bookshelf slides to the right revealing a narrow, dimly-lit passageway. He beckons for me to follow him and I oblige. We walk through the passageway for somewhere around 10 minutes. I could tell that Figure was walking slower than he normally would because of my short human legs. Finally, we reach the exit and he pushes in a brick in the wall, causing the wall in front of us to slide to the right. He steps out and I follow, my jaw dropping when I see that I'm in room 0100 close to the elevator.

But alas, I should've known that it wasn't going to be that easy to escape from Guiding Light. After all, he has complete access to every part of the hotel. He appears in front of me and grabs me, trying to teleport away with me. Figure thinks quickly and picks up a closet, charging straight for us and striking Guiding Light with it, knocking him down. I start to go down with him, but Figure grabs me and pulls me back, ushering me towards the elevator.

"Go wait in the elevator. I'll hold him off and do the breaker box for you," he says, pushing me to the stairs.

I nod and run up the stairs, hearing Guiding Light and figure fighting behind me. It's kinda like a tacky boss fight, but the bosses are fighting each other over the player. I peer around the corner to watch the chaos unfold. I look around for anything to throw at Guiding light, but think it better not to antagonize him any more than he already is.

Guiding light kicks Figure in between his legs, causing him to fall to the ground. Light charges towards the stairs, his gaze of fury fixed on me. I have an idea, but I highly doubt it'll work. I'll risk it anyway.

As he reaches the top of the stairs and comes to the gate, I hold my hands out in front of me, causing his chest to slam into them. He grabs my shoulders, but I wriggle free and begin to wrestle with him. I'm fairly strong for my size, and manage to corner him on the railing. Figure is just now recovering from his unfortunate attack and stands up, starting to trot up the stairs to help. With one final burst of adrenaline, I manage to flip Guiding Light over the railing, sending him careening towards the ground. He lands on his stomach, sprawled in a painful-looking pose.

Figure pauses midway up the staps and looks at Light's sorry existence on the floor. I guess he gains sight in here or something? He walks over to Light, who is now exhausted from fighting me and Figure. He tries, and fails however, to get up, but Figure stomps on his head, knocking him out cold. I sigh in relif and Figure looks up at me and smiles victoriously.

"I'm very impressed, human," he compliments, "you know your stuff."

I smile and nod, grateful for the acknowledgement. As the adrenaline begins to ware off, I begin to feel aches and pains all over my body and stagger over to the elevator. I hear Figure going around and collecting all of the pieces needed to power up the breaker box. As I catch my breath and try to calm my heart rate down, I hear him flipping the switches. I think back on my time here and know that I'll be scarred for the rest of my life.

Finally, the elevator door begins to close and I sigh and lean my head back. However, when the doors are halfway closed, Guiding Light appears out of thin air and holds his hands out to stop them from closing. He looks at me, panting heavily. His mouth is dripping saliva and he has a crazed look in his eyes. He grits his teeth and growls, then lunges for me, letting the doors loose. I slide onto my back and kick him under the chin with both of my heels. That knocks him back and disorients him enough for me to kick the rest of him out of the elevator. Literally.

He sits up and quickly crawls towards the elevator, a look of crazed determination on his face. As I prepare to clap my hands over his ears, the elevator doors close right as he reaches them. He replaces Figure's cutscene, banging on the door and screaming in rage and loss. I fall onto my back and stare up at the ceiling as the elevator goes down slowly. I guess it's slow since Figure isn't trying to kill me like in the game. The adrenaline has completely worn off and I'm extremely exhausted. As I close my eyes, I drift off into an impoverished unconsciousness.

I wake up on the floor of my bedroom. I open my eyes and move to sit up, but I hiss in pain and close my eyes again. My body is sore. Not just from the fight, but from all of the beatings Guiding Light gave me for being disobedient. I lay there until it's almost dark before finally getting the will to force myself to my feet. I exit my room and stumble down the stairs as if I'm in a drunken stupor. I enter my kitchen and get a glass of water. I chug it down before refilling my cup a second time. After I down that, I refill the cup yet again, but with nice, cold milk. After I satisfy my thirst, I make something simple for dinner then stumble over to the couch.

I fall onto the cool leather and instantly pass out.

And that is how I escaped a yandere entity who was supposed to guide me to my freedom instead of holding my hostage in a hell hotel of horrors.


Wow. I've never written anything this intense before. And by that, I mean a fight scene. I know it's probably trash, but I can't fight, y'all. I know nothing when it comes to that stuff. I just put what I would've done if I was Y/N.

I hope this was enough to get you guys' energy up and hearts racing. It took me forever to complete this because life...just life.

Thank you guys for sticking with me and being patient and understanding. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors. It's late and I forced myself to finish this because I hate leaving you guys hanging like Guiding Light should've been...actually never mind.

Antyways have a good night/day and I'll see you all in the next one!

Adios! (No hablo mucho español. Lo siento.)

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