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Having a new house was definitely nice but I couldn't find shit in here. "Baby, where did you put my mic?" I yelled as I was trying to set up my gaming pc. "Baby?" I yelled again. Where was she?
I sighed as I walked to the kitchen, she was holding a glass of water and was just staring ahead.
What was wrong with her lately? This was the second time I caught her just staring in front of her. "Skye?" It shook her out of her thoughts and she smiled at me. "Yeah babe?" she acted like nothing happened but she wasn't really good at that.
"Didn't you hear me? Have you seen my mic?" I repeated my question and she shook her head. "I thought I put it in your gaming room no?" she definitely didn't put it there but I wasn't gonna complain right now.
"No but thanks I'll just keep looking for it." I really wanted to ask her what was wrong but I had no time right now.
I was gonna stream with some of my friends and I was already late.

"I can't find my new mic guys, so I'm just using my old one" I said as I started my stream. It wasn't a horrible sound but chat always found a reason to complain anyways.
"So we are just gonna play some games with Max and maybe some others. I'm not sure yet" I wish I could just stream with Skye but she said she wasn't feeling like it lately. She didn't even set up her equipment. I thought she wanted to stream again, like regular streams but I guess she still wasn't up for that. I wondered what was wrong with her?
Did she care that much that I actually let Max Verstappen win? It was maybe stupid, if I think about it now I definitely didn't know why I did that. I just wanted her to make a name for herself and that wouldn't be possible if I became champion.
"Are you live already?" Max Fewtrell asked through Discord. He probably wanted to ask something so he was making sure chat couldn't hear us.
"Yes I am mate. Are you ready to play some games?" I quickly said. "Yeah man" he answered.
I guess he started streaming too because he talked more to his chat than to me but I didn't mind, I wasn't really in the mood to talk anyway.

Chat was going crazy as usual but as expected there were a lot of questions about the last race. A lot of people wanted to know what happened or how I was feeling.
I guess they were asking the same questions to Max because I could hear him say that I was fine. "Yes chat I'm fine, otherwise I wouldn't be streaming right?" I said as I smiled at the camera. "We will get the championship this year, don't worry" I definitely wasn't gonna throw it away twice, but the only thing that worried me was that maybe I would never have the opportunity to win it again.
Maybe I made a mistake by throwing it away.


After the stream I walked back in the kitchen. I was actually relieved that Skye wasn't standing there anymore.
I walked through the house a little until I found her laying in bed. It was afternoon, she normally wouldn't be laying in bed.
I sighed as I crawled next to her and put my arms around her. "What's wrong baby?" I had to know, it was killing me and to be honest, it was quite scary too.
She turned around and looked at me, she had tears in her eyes. "What happened? Did something happen to the baby?" I asked and she started to cry even more.
No, this wasn't happening right now. We couldn't go through this another time, we wouldn't be able to come back from that.

Blue Skies 3 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now