Chapter 56 - A Request: C&C

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"...Issuing unauthorized bonds." Yuuka says. "Not only that, but she's issuing them in Seminar's name. If my calculations are correct, which, well, they ARE, we'll be bankrupt in three days."

Akane and I stare at Yuuka in shock.

"Fuck." I say, breaking the silence first.

"Do you understand the gravity of the situation we're in?" The treasurer asks the maid, sternly.

"Oh dear." Akane says. "This is her greatest performance yet."

"What about her can y'all fill me in on?" I ask, needing more info.

"Ah, my apologies." Akane says. "I don't believe you've ever heard her name. Please, allow me. There has been more than one arrest operation for the girl known as Kurosaki Koyuki, codenamed 'White Rabbit'. While once affiliated with Seminar, she's now it's biggest headache and a known menace in Millennium. Does she cause trouble or does trouble follow her? She's chaos itself, an absolute loose cannon."

"How does she manage to get away with this stuff so often?" I ask. "Never mind asking how she escaped this 'self-reflection room' and managed to slip past Seminar. Even most of Veritas working together only managed to fool them during our nighttime raid, and even then, only a small bit of Seminar, and their forces were available at the time."

"That's..." The maid begins.

"She has a unique inclination for it. A gift, you could say." Yuuka explains. "Her ability to compute mathematical calculations quickly and accurately is terrifying. To her, our encryptions and security systems are child's play."

"Coming from you, that's definitely impressive." I say, eliciting a blush from the treasurer. "So, instead of hacking into thinks, like Veritas, she simply brute forces passwords by doing all of the calculations herself, mentally... Fuck, that's actually kinda scary." I admit.

"It is rather impressive, isn't it? She can hack our best security systems faster than a computer." Akane muses.

Yuuka sighs for the nth time. "We originally brought her to Seminar because of her astounding abilities."

"Who would've thought she'd instead become such a thorn in your side, as she like to call herself." The maid says with a giggle.

"She's more like a giant guillotine hanging over my head right now." Yuuka grumbles. "If not for her Seminar affiliations, she would be rotting with the Corrections Bureau already."

Corrections Bureau? Right, that's who were holding Wakamo after she was arrested. Along with the six other of the supposed 'Seven Prisoners' who I've heard neither hide nor hair of, much like everyone else.

"But, with the amount of confidential information she's accrued, I can hardly send her away." Yuuka explains. "Anyways, please follow the usual procedure."

"Of course." Akane says, professionally. "As usual, C-and-C is at your service."

"To be clear, I just don't have any other options." The purple haired girl clarifies. "Our biggest issue her is that automata and drones are out of the question."

"I was rather confused about that particular detail." Akane admits.

" 'Cause Koyuki could hack into them and turn them against you." I point out.

"Not only that, but... the White Rabbit's fled somewhere we can't exactly send automata to." Yuuka explains. "She's gone beyond Millennium and DU entirely to a different school district. We can't exactly send a small army worth of machines to another school, else they might think we're assaulting them. To top it all off, the school she's ran off to is one made of several dozen ships of varying sizes, known as the Odyssey Maritime School."

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