I looked back to my parents after silently examining this clown of a peasant.
"This is J-Schlatt, your personal jester!"  My father spoke joyfully. "Personal?" I questioned.
"Yes! He will be following you around until night fall, then he will be sleeping in one of the chambers in the basement." My mother explained. "Is this really necessary?" I asked.
My dad narrowed his eyes at me and my mother scoffed. "Be respectful!" My mom retorted, "yeah your majesty~ I'm so hurt by yours words!" I jumped as I found the jester had appeared behind me, leaning upon the back rest of the sofa.

He fell over his back leaning his upper half on top the couch and his hand on his forehead making it more dramatic. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Now son, you and Schlatt will be alone and you will be in charge for the next couple days. I'm on a trip and your mother has decided to join me" my father spoke as he stood up, servants at the door way with luggage. My eyes widened and I chuckled slightly in disbelief. "You are not POSSIBLY leaveing me with this.. this.. imbecile!" I exaggerated.

My father laughed and at my expression and my mother only rolled her eyes. "Yes I am, now we best be in our way if we want to make it to the other kingdom by morning." He pulled my mother up from the couch and walked out of the room leaving me and the jester alone.


I watched from the grand balcony as my parents carriages took off from the court yard. Castle staff wishing them all good luck and safe travels. I sighed gripping the stone railing tightly. I heard the jingle of bells and turned my head the one of the pillars attached to the thick railing. Schlatt spun down the stone pillar flawlessly. "Why hello your majesty~" he giggled as he sat on the railing with one knee tucked to his chest and the other off the ledge, swinging happily as the sunset made the sky turn beautiful rays of pink and red and orange.

I hummed in acknowledgement of the jester, tho I didn't care for it.. He layed down on the wide railing right under me as I had lifted my left hand from the railing earlier. I looked down at him as his mask hid his expression. I sighed and began to walk away from the the ledge. I heard his bells jingle and him jump on to the platform, following closely behind me.
"Oh please your majesty, wouldn't you be happier if you just cracked a smile?" He asked in a sarcastic sad tone. "I don't smile unless
Necessary, I don't smile for foolish absent minded tricks that you seem to make. The jester groaned and moved in-front of me to where he spun around with his hand to his forehead dramatically. This is going to be one hell of a couple days.. I went to bed, done with his shenanigans.


I awoke to find the jester IN MY ROOM! He was sat on my window sell with the window open, he played with a yo-yo. He was looking out the window at some children playing in the court yard by the fountain. His mask was off.. i couldn't see his face, I sat up to walk towards him, he heard me. Immediately the mask was back on his face before I could even take another step. "Good morning your highness!" He cheerfully spoke, i nodded my head and walked off to change. He followed me till I slammed the closet door in his face, he yelped.
Once I was changed into my usual attire I walked to the dining hall, my little jester following right behind me or rather.. skipping behind me.

Once we made it to the hall I sat down in my respective chair, schlatt on the opposite end of the long table as i commanded him too.
Once my breakfast was served to me, I cut into my food carefully. "So, why were you in my room without my permission?" I asked him without looking up, keeping my eyes on my food while chewing, waiting for a response.

"I was lonely~" he whined, I rolled my eyes. "You still hadn't gotten permission" i reminded him. He just groaned.

Over the next two days he followed me around, going places without permission. Attempting to make me laugh or smile, I didn't. His attempts began to be more more..sensual..

Schlattbur one shots<3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя