122. Wednesday Addams | Secret Carer

Start from the beginning

"No!" She hissed.

Thing flipped her off and scrabbled at the door, she could hear someone else approaching their door, so before she it caught she dived into your door.

Quietly closing the door, she glared at the hand who appeared proud of himself.

"When we're out in locking you in the draw." She hissed.

Wednesday looked around your room.

She hadn't been in here before, she wasn't sure what she was expecting, but this wasn't it.

It was pretty much bare, you didn't have much in it, just the standard furniture and that was it.

She knelt by the door and stayed there for a few moments, listening to your raspy breathing.

She could hear you struggling to sit up.

"Fuck... sake..." you grumbled.

You collapsed back into the back, letting out a loud groan as you coughed a few more times.

Wednesday stood up, adjusting her clothes before she walked over to your bed, standing over you.

"You look like you're dying."

You looked up at her, scowling a little bit.

"Gee, thanks..." you rasped out.

She looked around, walking to your bathroom, she filed a cup and brought it over, setting it on your nightstand for you.

"Maybe you have the plague, it would be a painful death if you do."

You didn't reply, you simply closed your eyes again, breaths coming out in shallow rasps.

"Laying flat won't help."

"Can't... sit up..."

Wednesday nodded her head, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

How did you help a sick person?

"I could smother you, you can't be sick if you're dead."

You chuckled a little at that, but soon the laughter turned into coughs, and you rolled over, hiding your face as violent coughed wracked your body.

Wednesday watched you before she turned to thing.

"Watch her."

He gave a thumbs up and she left.

You rolled back over and thing waved at you.

You drew a breath as you adjusted yourself into a more comfortable position and soon you fell asleep.

Wednesday got Tyler to pick her up, never spoke a word and got him to drive her back when she was finished at the town.

She snuck her way back into the building but it didn't go as planned, weems was stood there waiting.

"Again?" She sighed.

Wednesday said nothing but held up a bag.

"You broke curfew to go shopping?" Weems snapped.

"It's not for me."

Weems had to think for a minute before she realised why the gothic girl had snuck out.

She simply gestured for her to go ahead.

"Not a word of this Addams, I'll only let it go this once."

Wednesday nodded as she walked back into your room.

Thing was scrolling through your phone while you were fast asleep.

Wednesday walked over, setting the bag down. Going through it, she set some stuff on your nightstand and pulled out a box.

Grabbing one of the patch's from it, she opened it and carefully lifted your pillow, sticking it on the underside before setting it back down again.

You moved a little and she froze like a deer caught in headlights.

You didn't wake up and she breathed a sigh of relief, turning to thing.

"Say nothing."

He gave a thumbs up and signed something.

"She'll be fine alone."

He protested and she sighed again.

"Fine, but only only sunrise."

Wednesday walked over to your desk and sat on the chair there, eyes carefully fixated on you, watching you carefully.

She wasn't going to tell anyone what she had done, and she was going to make sure thing didn't either.

By the time you woke up again she planned to be gone, she was disgusted to be showing such softness for someone. But something about it felt wrong.

She felt like she had to watch over you, though she'd much rather cut her own tongue out before she admitted that 

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