86. Wednesday Addams | SFW Alphabet

Start from the beginning

E=ending, if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?

I know it appears as though she would be quite unfeeling about this sort of thing (see "for some reason I cannot fathom or indulge you seem to like me", the conversation after she tells Tyler her and Xavier are attending the Rave'N), but if you and her had been in a relationship for some time and problems begun to arise or things just weren't working out, she would be more sensitive about it. Slightly, anyway. Not for her sake, she knows what she's saying and what will happen, but after all the time you two have spent together she is well aware you may be more delicate than she about the situation. If you breakdown in floods of tears, she will not know what to do-but still cares about you enough that she will fetch Enid, most likely, to comfort you, and apologise.

F=fiance(e), how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?

Wednesday isn't really fussed about marriage. If asked, she will talk about how it is an archaic tradition centred around the subjugation of women and meaningless patriarchal values. She has never thought of marrying, and does not see herself as someone who will suddenly fall in love and just have to marry her SO. If you are set on marrying, and are very enthusiastic about marrying her one day, chances are 50/50 that it won't happen, or if it did it would be because Wednesday realises the benefits-such as legal forms, health insurances, mortgages etc. She cannot reconcile with the idea that maybe one day something would happen but she would not be able to be in the ambulance/your hospital room simply because you are not legally joined. She can't deny though a part of her does revel in the idea that you are bound to her, til death do you part. You hold a claim over each other.

G=gentle, how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?

She is very very gentle whenever she touches you, but it is more because they're tentative touches than she is trying to be gentle. She is unsure about casually touching you, what you may like, what is acceptable etc so she tests the waters very slowly at first. When she is more sure and you guys are more comfortable with each other, she still doesn't touch you very much since that's just her nature but she's less hesitant when she does. Emotionally, she is definitely much more gentle after you're together than when you first meet her. very very occasionally she tells you when she likes something you're doing/something you say to her, and she makes more of an effort to leave out morbid facts/stories/threats if she realises they make you uncomfortable.

H=hugs, do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?

As we also saw with Enid in episode 8, Wednesday usually reserves hugs for the they are well and truly needed. Most of the time when they happen it's because she can see you really need it, and that makes it easier for her to lean into the hug just knowing that it's helping you. Her hugs can be somewhat stiff and she always runs quite cold, but over time you find yourself desiring that from an embrace. She also always puts her arms over yours, around your shoulders/neck while yours go around her waist/stomach. After a while, you realise that, with some surprise, her face is always buried in your neck or your hair when you hug like this. She can't explain why she seems to want to do this if you do hug.

I=I love you, how fast do they say the L word?

After a very very very very very long time. Quite honestly there's a large chance that she will never say it to you. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you, she is simply confident in the measure of her feelings toward you, and is aware that you know how she feels. If you say it to her, there's a pretty decent chance that you'll get a stilted "Okay, noted" or just "Thank you for alerting me to the fact." If love is mentioned when she's near, you will likely hear about the negative aspects of love, or why it's a simple chemical process that people delude themselves with.

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