6. Enid & Wednesday | Alexithymia III

Start from the beginning

"Lucas get your hands off of her! Stop fucking trying to terrorize all of my customers that sit at this booth. You know what happened last time you did this to a customer."

"Move Galpin. Besides, that little goth freak was one of those nevermore outcasts."

You scowled as your eyes narrowed but you never bothered to get up from the booth, their poor attempts at threatening you did nothing but irritate you.

However, you were caught off guard when the supposed 'Lucas' pulled you off the booth by grabbing the collar of your shirt. Because of the suddenness of that attack, your fangs bared on instinct. A defense mechanism for you.

Your act seemed to catch everybody off guard. Just for a moment, it seemed as if the world just stopped.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." You snapped,

"What the fuck!" The one holding you quickly let go, before running off with his friends. Your lips slightly curled up when you saw one of them stumbling, falling into another.

Your eyes widened as your breath hitched, at the two newcomers who had walked into the cafe after seeing the commotion from the window. Blonde hair, with blue and pink tips with a ravenette in tow. With the blonde one holding onto the other. Your breathing began getting unstable, you could easily identify the color of their stripes. Both were the same color as yours.

You hurriedly grabbed your stuff and rushed out the door, slightly brushing against the ravenette as you ran out and missing her glare and the weird looks you got from the other customers, ignoring the shouts from the curly haired barista to come back.

When you got to an alleyway, you set down your stuff as you clutched your chest trying to slow down your breathing as you were practically hyperventilating at this point. Trying to calm down your breathing, your heart was beating rapidly.

You were hoping to just never meet your soulmate. Let alone meet two people that were allegedly your soulmate. How were you supposed to tell your father about this? He'd already known the color of your stripe. The moment he saw the two, your fate of marrying someone you didn't know would be sealed.

Suddenly, you were forced out of your thoughts when you felt a hand roughly grab you and pushing you onto the ground and you fell with a thump. "What the fuck.." you groaned before getting a clear view of the three infront of you, only to be met with scowling faces.

The moment you saw them you glared at them, rolling your eyes. It was clear that the act only agitated them further.

Before you could process anything, you were suddenly pulled up and held back by one of them. He was wearing gloves. What a fucking coward, you've never really resorted to biting anyone. You were a freak but not a lunatic as your fangs could easily send someone into the ER if you weren't careful and bit down too hard.

You were too occupied with the one holding you back to see a fist coming your way, you gasped out in pain the moment the fist collided with your ribcage. That was sure to have broken some bones at most.

However, what you hadn't expected him to do was try to punch you in the face. But when you saw it coming, you immediately closed your eyes shut, bracing the impact.

As soon as it came, glass shards came flying out, many colliding with his fist. You were really lucky as none got into your eyes.

You were satisfied as you heard him hold his fist and groan in pain, however that satisfaction did not last long as you got kicked in the stomach and was sent tumbling down. The three quickly ran away when they heard a pair of footsteps nearing.

"What the hell.." You heard a voice mumble. When you looked up, you saw the same barista from before, as he crouched down to pull you up.

"Thanks barista man." you managed, grasping onto your now broken sunglasses and throwing them away as you couldn't hold them without getting glass shards stuck in your palm, you clutched onto your stomach with one hand and grabbed your stuff with the other.

As he watched painfully as you limped away, he suddenly called out "It's Tyler by the way!" before you could get out of hearing distance.

Broken ribs and a black eye. All just because you sat in some normies booth, even if it didn't belong to them. The next time they try to pull this you were certainly going to bite one of their hands off, you scoffed.

Suddenly the pain came crashing down on you again as you coughed out blood, catching the attention of two people.

The same two people from the cafe. The same two that were supposed to be your soulmates.

You froze as the blonde one dragged the other to your limping form, concern written all over her face while the other one didn't seem to care, but you did catch a few times where her eyes would occasionally glance at you.

"Y/N right? I'm Enid, during yesterday where uh, you were at the table with us and drinking the blood! And my soulmate is-" "Wednesday. I know, Yoko was talking about you two briefly before." You cut her off, trying to sound normal, but with pain evident in your voice. What were you supposed to do now? Being in front of the two, you hoped that your beanie was in no way moved and uncovered the stripe.

"Let's go! We need to get you to the school infirmary like right now." Enid quickly said, carefully grabbing your wrist and ran but at a pace where you could keep up, Wednesday only rolled her eyes as she followed the two of you.

"I hate it here." 

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