Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Saqima

    The table was overturned, and the smell of gunpowder was scattered everywhere. It seemed to be a unilateral bullying of the girl's family.

    Some of the passing tourists frowned and stopped, but the nearest sugar painting shopkeeper became excited, "I knew there was a problem with your family!"

    Si Li pushed Xiao Que, who was oblivious to eating Saqima, and Xiao Que turned her head in a daze. , saw that the table was about to fall, and rushed over to hold the table with one hand, "What are you doing!" The

    round-faced girl is still small, who would have thought that she could actually hold down the table that he had exerted 100% of his strength on? The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and Si Li came out of the hut with a gentle voice, "You want to teach me a lesson, how dare I ask you what it is?"

    "Why are you still swearing?" Huang Cui rushed to speak, staring at the young shopkeeper opposite, she always felt a little familiar. Si Li generously let her see that Steward Wang's make-up was hard for them to recognize, let alone this girl who had only met once?

    "So you are not a thing." Si Li nodded.

    The guest who had just stood up and was about to help couldn't help laughing. Meng Taotao's bowl of tofu had just been poured with soup, and he turned around and handed it to him, "Your tofu, use it slowly." The middle-aged man and

    Huang Cui's momentum was vented by this strange development, but the old man Huang who was walking behind jumped up, his face wrinkled into orange peel was full of grief and anger, "Okay, lady scholar, lady Meng! You are promising now, I don't stop you from running ahead. But you stole my recipe, are you trying to kill us?!"

    As he spoke, the old man Huang took out a piece of paper and waved it for the tourists who gradually gathered to see clearly, crying , "If I had known this, I shouldn't have saved you!"

    The paper was new paper, covered with the red seal of the government office, Si Li had never seen this before, but someone on the side recognized it, "'Tofu from Huang's scholar today', this is... ...A document issued by the government?"

    As soon as someone reminded them, more and more people came to their senses, and their eyes suddenly changed when they looked at Si Li and the other three, and even the guests who were standing behind to help showed some doubts.

    After all, with the confirmation from the government, the matter seems to be a certainty.

    While whispering, Si Li clearly saw guilt and greed in the eyes of the Huang family. She had never met such a person in her previous life, but she still had some experience in dealing with Pengci. Just as he was about to speak, Meng Taotao held him down and pushed him behind him, "Shopkeeper, I'll come."

    Facing the Huang family, Meng Taotao sneered, "I was just thinking of my love and not wanting to make a scene, so you are still here Waiting for my prescription. Since that's the case, I'd like to talk about this life-saving grace."

    Seeing that there was a lot of excitement, the sugar painting shopkeeper next door was not in a hurry to leave, and shouted, "You are justified in stealing things. ?!"

    "Stealing things?" Meng Taotao's voice was so soft that people listened unconsciously, "I came to the capital last year, and old man Huang took me home for treatment when I was ill. Thinking of the kindness of the Huang family, I opened the bomb Tofu stall, I went to the city every morning to study, and guarded the stall non-stop from noon to evening. When I went back at night, I had to fetch water for his family of four to cook. I never took a penny of the stall’s earnings. What happened? "

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