Chapter 54 - Down Time XV

Start from the beginning


Quickly, I made it to the Prefect Team's HQ, where I promptly found Chinatsu, busy at a desk covered with stacks upon stacks of paperwork.

"I know you said it was a lot, but damn." I say, catching her attention.

"Oh, Sensei." Chinatsu says, looking up at me. "Thanks for accepting my request. Work will be much easier thanks to you."

"Anytime." I say, smiling, causing her to blush a bit.

"And, um... I don't keep the documents here." She corrects, surprising me. "All that paperwork can be cumbersome, so I don't do it here."

"So... all of this isn't...?"

"No, it isn't. This is actually about my usual workload." She explains, causing me to somehow be even more thankful I don't work here. "Come with me, Sensei."

"Lead the way." I say.

The elven girl then lead me to a lounge, mostly tidy with only some clutter here and there. Though the place wasn't really that messy, but it's clear that someone spends a lot of time in this room.

"I'm sorry the place is such a mess." Chinatsu aplogizes.

"Nah, this ain't messy. Cluttered, yes, but not messy." I correct. "And besides, don't worry about it. Believe me when I say I have trouble keeping Schale clean."

"Ahaha... Thank you for understanding. No one in the Prefect Team is willing to help me with the busy work, so I'm pretty much the only one who ever uses this space." She explains. "When I'm on standby or working late, I come here."

"I can see why. It's kinda... homey." I compliment.

"Erm, thank you." She says, averting her gaze with a blush on her face. "The cots come in handy more than once. I'd wager Schale is the same?"

"Yup." I say, popping the p. "I've slept in some pretty weird places before coming to work here, so it's not too bad."

"Well... I guess we both work too hard." She awkwardly says.

"Sounds like it." I agree.

"Anyway, the documents are right here." She says, picking up a large stack of papers, and, with a great thud, drops them onto a table.

"Good fucking God, why do you Prefect girls have so much paperwork to do...?" I ask, deadpan and in disbelief. "How many years of paperwork even IS this?"

"Well..." Chinatsu awkwardly begins. "Work piles up fast here. I suppose Schale is a little different. The Head Prefect already approved them, so we just have to organize them."

"Geez, Hina's got it roughest of all, huh?" I ask.

"Huh?" Chinatsu blinks her honey-gold eyes in surprise. "I knew you'd met the Head Prefect, but..." She trails off.

"Yeah, we've talked a few times. You know I had to force her to go to bed the other day?"

"Really?" Chinatsu blinks again.

"Yeah, she'd stayed up for multiple days working." I explain.

"...I suppose I should be thankful I'm not that busy." The elf girl admits.

"I agree with ya there." I say. "Though we've still got our work cut out for us."

"I'm sorry. Is it too much? I had no one else to ask." Chinatsu says, embarrassed.

"Nah, it's fine. You can rely on me anytime." My words elicit yet another blush from her. " 'Sides, I'm your Sensei, I've had tons of practice with this. We'll be done in no time flat." I say, flashing a grin.

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