Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 I saw her picture in the crowd of impotence patients!

    Xie Zhuokai was sitting in the car, and Father Xie was lying on the hospital bed next to him, and the car was equipped with the highest configuration of 120 ambulances, from various medical equipment to rescue respirators, Coupled with various medical facilities, it looks simple and practical.

    Father Xie was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, his face pale, and his breathing was weak as if it would disappear in the next second.

    A doctor and a nurse sat on the other side of the carriage, paying close attention to Father Xie's situation all the time.

    Xie Zhuokai, on the other hand, looked at Father Xie lying on the hospital bed with a pensive face from time to time, seeing his father lying pale and lethargic on the emergency bed, Xie Zhuokai frowned more and more tightly.

    At the same time, Mother Xie also frowned like Xie Zhuokai.

    "Why did you suddenly decide to send your father from the nursing home to the sixth hospital? The environment in the private nursing home in the north of the city is much better than that in ordinary public hospitals." Mother Xie looked at her son with some dissatisfaction.

    Since her husband suffered a stroke two years ago and was paralyzed, he was hospitalized.

    Mother Xie stayed by her husband's side all the time, searching for famous doctors from all over the country, and even some famous doctors from abroad were hired by their family at a high price.

    Those doctors were able to make her husband feel a little better at first, but as time went by, those treatments became less and less effective.

    Now for more than two years, seeing people getting more and more exhausted and dozing off during the day from time to time, Xie's mother is always worried that her husband will be so sleepy one day.

    But even so, that was not the reason why Xie Zhuokai suddenly said that he would send him to the Sixth Hospital for treatment!

    Mother Xie frowned, the group of them came in a hurry, and even the luggage was simply packed by the nurse.

    This made Xie Mu very dissatisfied.

    "Mom, although the environment in the private sanatorium is good, which one of the famous doctors in the world has not come out of the patient pile? There are not so many patients in the private sanatorium to train famous doctors."

    "No matter how good the service attitude of the private nursing home in the north of the city is, my father's condition has not improved at all after staying for so long. We can't just give up the treatment because of this. Good doctors are all in big hospitals, so we still have to go to big hospitals to find someone to treat him." Dad, take a look." Xie Zhuokai slowly withdrew his gaze, although his tone was light, but his eyes were filled with resentment.     Unlike other rich families where fathers and sons fight for family property, although the Xie family started in the entertainment industry, they have not had the slightest habit of being promiscuous by other entertainment industry bosses. Almost every day, Xie's father either goes to work in the company and goes out to socialize, or stays at home with his wife, children and parents.     Under Xie Zhuokai's influence, he was very filial and respectful to Xie's father since he was a child.     But two years ago, Xie's father had a sudden stroke, and Xie Zhuokai didn't even have time to react. When all the dust settled, he was already sitting as the chairman of the company. And the father was sentenced to death by all the doctors who came to see him.     Of course, "death penalty" is not allowed, but among the tens of hundreds of famous doctors, none of them can guarantee his father's recovery. They all come back and forth with Tai Chi, saying that as long as he takes good care of him, he can still recover. Chance.     But in fact, in the past two years, Xie's father has suffered from hemiplegia on the right side, and his speech is difficult, and his words are slurred. The nurses took turns to take care of her, clinging to the less strong half of her body, and couldn't even get up alone.     Xie Zhuokai took a deep breath and lowered his eyes. In his opinion, from the time of the cerebral hemorrhage attack to the present, he has been fully awake. At most, it can only be regarded as an ordinary improvement of the disease, but it cannot be regarded as recovery.     But for him.     Only when the father can get out of bed and dress alone, turn over and get up to drink water and comb his hair without the need for a nurse, and can talk and go for a walk with his mother at home on weekdays, can this be called recovery.     All these years, he didn't want anything else, but he only wanted his father to recover and enjoy his old age with his mother in good health.

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