Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    The night is getting dark, and the moon is on the branches.

    The high-speed vehicle galloped through the Neizhi luxury villa area, passed through the garden area and flower beds, and finally stopped in front of a low-key and luxurious huge villa.

    The villa is silent but brightly lit, as if standing there, quietly waiting for the master.

    Wei Yan got out of the car and was skillfully pushed up the slope by the bodyguards. The wheelchair made a grunting noise when it rolled on the slope. Since the accident, his lower body was paralyzed. Every place he lived in had been remodeled.

    Wei Yan lifted his eyelids, the thick eyelashes cast a slight shadow under the eyelids.

    If he was just paralyzed, whenever he came home from the hospital and saw these barrier-free facilities, he would instinctively feel disgust, anger, hatred and grief.

    So now he has long been numb to these things in front of him, and has become accustomed to them.

    Wei Yan slowly retracted his gaze, and the wheelchair was pushed by the bodyguards into the villa, with a pale and thin profile.

    "Mister is back, the restaurant is ready, do you need to prepare the food now?" Inside the villa, the old butler came forward respectfully.

    "Let the restaurant prepare." Wei Yan nodded, frowning slightly: "Fu Bo, I have taken care of me since I was a child, and I have always regarded you as an elder. You don't need to call me Mr. like everyone else. Now that you are old, you are easy to live at home." To recuperate, just let other people take care of the villa."

    "I paid someone to come here, not for charity." The man's deep and sharp eyes were calm but full of deterrence. He just glanced sideways at another young man behind Forbe.

    The young man's complexion changed drastically immediately, and bubbling sweat kept pouring out of his back. He took two steps forward, eager to explain to his employer.

    But before he could speak, he was stopped by Uncle Fu, who patted the young man on the shoulder and told him to go back.

    Fu Bo laughed happily, and sighed with a full smile: "These things are all what I want to do. Although I am old, I don't like to be idle. This person is prone to trouble when he is idle... Don't worry, young master, I will definitely take care of myself." take care……"

    Wei Yan's expression softened a lot, and he stopped letting the bodyguard push the wheelchair for him, and steered the electric wheelchair to the direction of the restaurant by himself.

    Uncle Fu deliberately walked behind Wei Yan a few steps slowly, with a slightly serious expression on his originally kind and kind face.

    He turned his head and looked at Secretary Zhao next to him and asked in a low voice, "Master, why is his complexion so bad today? He is still fine early. Is there any problem with the hospital's follow-up visit?

    " Dinner. The company has two emergency meetings in the afternoon, and they are quite busy, so there is no time for dinner." Facing the old housekeeper who would be polite even to the boss, Secretary Zhao naturally responded to everything.

    "Not in line with your appetite?"

    Uncle Fu said with a serious face: "The young master was born prematurely and was in poor health. After a car accident, he didn't eat for a long time. He couldn't eat a lot of food, and his health became even worse. But as a secretary, you have to tell the young master to take good care of yourself no matter what. Eat. This is your job as a secretary, and no matter how tense the meeting is in the future, you must put the young master's health first." "

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