Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 The Unsalable Son Who Graduated from College

    Mrs. He regretted more than once today why she took her little granddaughter this way. In the past, she and the old man would take their little granddaughter home from another quieter alley, but today the little granddaughter said Wanting to buy star candy, she thought that since she wanted to buy candy, she would go to the big supermarket here.

    But in fact, a small supermarket not far from the alley had the same star candies, but the candies in that small supermarket were a bit more expensive, so she wanted to take a long way to the big supermarket.

    "If I didn't think about the two dollars...wouldn't this happen today?..."

    Mrs. He's eyes were red with regret, she looked at her granddaughter lying on the asphalt road, her clothes soaked in blood, and then Glancing at his wife not far away who was being supported by two well-meaning passers-by and gritted his teeth, tears rolled down his cheeks, his body was shaking like a candle in the wind.

    "Old lady, why don't you sit down and rest for a while? You just got into a car accident. It seems that nothing is wrong, but you can't tell where the problem is. In case something happens to you, who will take care of the child later ?" Mrs. He was supported by a girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, and the girl's eyes revealed a bit of anxiety.

    In the car accident just now, the old lady was hit into the green belt next to her. Although the plants in the green belt can provide some protection and help the old lady block some force, but car accidents are often not just on the surface. The girl is worried about the old lady. As he got older, something went wrong with his body.

    "No, I want to wait here for Xiangxiang..." Mrs. He's voice was dry, and she instinctively shook her head stubbornly.

    The granddaughter was lying there bleeding profusely, how could Mrs. He be in the mood to sit beside her and rest? Even with bruises all over her body, the old lady just wanted to stand here and look at her granddaughter.

    Someone next to him sighed, patted the girl on the shoulder to let her stop persuading her, and said to Mrs. He: "Old lady, give me your mobile phone, and I will call your son and daughter-in-law. You are old and young, here No."

    "My son and daughter-in-law passed away in a car accident a few years ago..." Mrs. He shook her head, her expression full of grief.

    The people around were stunned, they didn't expect that the family of three in front of them, the young, the old and the old, were all involved in a car accident, which was really unlucky.

    In the stagnant atmosphere, no one around mentioned this matter to the old lady He, only a group of people kept comforting the old lady, and by the way helped the same stubborn old man to the front.

    The little girl's fragrant breath, as the blood loss became more and more rapid, her pale complexion gradually turned into grayish skin, and the bean-sized sweat kept rolling down the skin on her forehead. The butterfly spread its wings at the end of its life, and it seemed that in the next second, this fragile butterfly would fall directly from a height of a hundred feet...

    Seeing that Xiangxiang's life seemed to be coming to an end, she was supported by three people The old man and old lady almost fainted on the spot.

    Mrs. He wailed loudly: "Xiangxiang, grandma's Xiangxiang... ah..."

    The broken cry was squeezed into distortion by her throat, and Mrs. He clenched her fists with both hands and slapped her chest vigorously. If it weren't for the two or three passers-by nearby who stopped the old lady's movements and dragged and hugged her, the old lady He almost threw herself on the little girl on the spot.

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