Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 You Have Diabetes!

    As last year in Shenzhen. The elderly dance team of Xiangyang District, which ranked second in the elderly dance competition.

    There are not only costumes and props for the uniformed dance team, but also a small minibus that can accommodate 19 people donated by the wife of the dance team leader as a means of transportation for the dance team when traveling in competitions.

    Yesterday afternoon, the fish maw, Poria cocos and hen soup was really fragrant and fresh. Many people couldn't sit still when they just smelled the fragrance.

    Wait until the delicious and slightly sweet chicken soup enters the throat...

    Oh! Eight or nine members of the elderly dance team were wiped out.

    The group of them really... think about it when they go home to eat, think about it when they dance in the square dance, and even think about the taste of chicken soup when they sleep and dream!

    Even many people who didn't pay much attention to appetite in the past are salivating.

    So a group of old men and women who had drunk chicken soup and smelled the aroma were stunned, with two huge dark circles under their eyes, dragging their wives, and after breakfast, they eagerly took a minibus to the outpatient clinic of the Sixth Hospital. They didn't start work until eight o'clock, and a group of people really wanted to dig Su Tang out of bed at night.

    Register, go upstairs and sit in the waiting area.

    The old men and women who come to the Sixth Hospital for physical examination every year are very familiar with this operation.

    More than a dozen silver-haired old men and women sat in the same position in the waiting area, talking to each other in low voices, and their appearance was still somewhat conspicuous.

    Director Wang and Deputy Director Luo of the Geriatric Department of Internal Medicine, who hurried to work, looked at each other and greeted each other in a false and polite way.

    But for the first time, he saw this group of white-haired, familiar figures in the waiting area.

    In the dance team for the elderly, many of them are old patients of Director Wang and Deputy Director Luo, and they come here for medical treatment every year.

    Hospitals now pay attention to service with a smile, especially for those who have been here for several years to see a doctor. Director Wang and Deputy Director Luo habitually come forward to say hello.

    When Deputy Director Luo saw Mr. Jiang, he immediately smiled and said, "Hey, are you and your wife coming here today for a doctor's visit or for a reexamination?" Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang,

    as geriatric patients of the Sixth Hospital, come to the Sixth Hospital almost three or four times a year. After four or five years, Deputy Director Luo was very familiar with Mr. Jiang.

    "Today is a reexamination... right?" Mr. Jiang smiled, a little hesitant.

    In fact, he doesn't know whether prescribing medicinal diet is a medical consultation or a re-examination...

    However, Deputy Director Luo didn't notice this hesitation at all, and said with a cheerful smile: "Alright, you can sit here for a while, and when you get back to the consulting room, I will give Take a closer look."

    Mr. Jiang was taken aback: "Ah...?"

    Something seems wrong?

    Mr. Jiang blinked, and it took about thirty or forty seconds to digest what Deputy Director Luo had said.

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