Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 This Female Doctor Looks Like a Liar

    Following rupture of the liver and spleen, patients tend to bleed profusely and very quickly.

    Like hemothorax, severe patients may even experience hemorrhagic shock.

    The woman in front of her looked about fifty or sixty years old, with slightly gray hair. She was hit by a car and knocked down the side of the road with Mrs. He and others.

    I thought it was just some pain in the body, the abdomen that was hit was a little more obvious, slightly bruised, but it was nothing serious, compared to those with missing arms and broken legs, she was really much better.

    The middle-aged woman originally thought that she would go home after going to the hospital for a look.

    Unexpectedly, after sitting under the tree for a few minutes, the pain in the abdomen became more and more serious, so that the pain even spread to the right shoulder.

    Su Tang frowned, and said sharply: "I can't wait any longer, I have to send the patient to the hospital!"

    The other party's face is getting paler now, and more and more sweat is leaking from the forehead, Su Tang immediately raised his head and looked at the patient next to him. The traffic police and the police said.

    However, the number of the first batch of police and traffic police who came to the rescue was not large. In addition, there were still two policemen who were holding on to the driver who was resisting at the scene, and another two policemen and three traffic policemen were presiding over the situation. The ambulance cleared the way and immediately escorted the ambulance to the hospital.

    At this time, he really couldn't draw out the manpower.

    "I'll drive a police car to take you to the hospital." A policeman looked around with serious eyes.

    Liver and spleen rupture and massive hemorrhage is not a good sign, and the patient may lose his life if not treated in time. However, the scene was too chaotic, and the vehicles around the intersection were all crowded and jammed together. Su Tang frowned: "You'd better stay here and take charge of the overall situation. I'll stop a car on the road and let them come over to help." "

    Okay, I'll trouble you." The policeman looked around for a moment, and finally made a decision.

    It is not that the police are unwilling to send patients to the hospital, but that the current situation is difficult to have both.

    Since the person in front of him is a doctor from the Sixth Hospital, and he has rescued other patients just now, the police still trust Su Tang's words. After talking to the patient with a ruptured liver and spleen, the police immediately turned their heads and stopped at the surrounding vehicles, thinking To choose a suitable vehicle to transfer patients.

    The young man who heard the conversation between Su Tang and the police next to him was very clever.

    Already running to the nearest vehicle to the scene of the car accident, it is the largest and larger vehicle, and it looks like it can hold many people.

    The young man knocked on the car window of the other party and asked politely: "Sir, there was a car accident over there. Could you please help send some patients to the Sixth Hospital? It's just two or three kilometers ahead." This is a

    car It is a low-key black business car. The car is not a luxury brand, but the simplest and niche domestic brand. However, this car is very large and can accommodate 8 people.

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