Chapter 54

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Theo sprawled out on Peter's couch while he took a shower, too lazy to do anything else and too tired to try.

When Peter came out of his room Theo was sound asleep, her elbow propped up on the arm of the couch with her head in her hand. Peter let out a quiet laugh and silently walked to his small kitchen, grabbing a snack and some water. He sat down on the couch, leaving an empty seat between himself and Theo so he could carefully lay her onto the couch, her head resting in his lap. That wasn't how he pictured catching up with his best friend after being gone for a while, but he wouldn't have traded it for the world. He sat there without moving for over an hour, watching TV almost on mute. But with his hearing he could hear it perfectly.

Theo eventually woke up, rolling onto her back before opening her eyes to see Peter staring down at her. "Sorry. We were supposed to be catching up." She said sleepily.

"I don't mind. I forgot how much I missed my best friend the last year." He confessed. Now that he was comfortable only being her friend, he had to admit he missed her so much since the snap. He missed the friendship they had when they were younger, training together and getting into trouble every chance they had.

"Me too. Are you okay with being friends again?" Theo asked shyly, her head still comfortably in his lap. Peter smiled down at her and nodded. "I am. I'm sorry I was so stupid for so long." He confessed.

"I missed you. I missed the shenanigans Steve and us used to get into." Theo said with a teary laugh.

"Me too. Remember when we got banned from that Target for riding the carts up the aisles?" Peter asked with his own tear filled laugh.

"Yes, I still can't believe dad crashed into that TV display." Theo said, laughing hysterically at the memory of Tony having to show up and pay for the wall of flat-screen TV's the three destroyed when Steve pushed them too hard down the aisle.

"What about when you stole my web shooters and put them on Steve while he slept?" Peter added, laughing at the memory. Theo put both of his web shooters on Steve while he was asleep, the two sat back and laughed as he woke up and accidentally stuck himself to the ceiling. When Peter got done laughing he looked down and saw Theo was both laughing and crying.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, Theo." Peter said frantically. Theo quickly wiped the few tears away and smiled up at Peter. "It's okay, I cry about everything lately. It's annoying." She admitted.

"Theo, I'm sorry I was so wrapped up in myself that I wasn't there for you after losing your dads." Peter said, looking down at Theo with a heartbroken look.

"It's okay, I had Buck." Theo answered as her smile returned.

"I know. But I should have been there. I was selfish." Peter responded.

"It's okay, Bucky really is a great guy. I wish you could see that." Theo said as she stared up at her friend.

"I do see that, Theo. You have the best judge of character I've ever seen. Just you wanting him around tells me he's a good guy." Peter defended.

"I hope that means you're willing to come around more." Theo said, her voice was filled with hope.

"Of course I will, I wouldn't miss out on your baby's life." Peter promised. "Someone has to be the irresponsible uncle." He joked.

"We have to have mercy on Bucky, he already has enough on his hands chasing me around." Theo teased.

"I can't imagine. Tony and Steve both couldn't keep us in check when we were younger." Peter said with a laugh.

"To be fair, Tony instigated it. Steve had to deal with all three of us." Theo defended through laughter.

"True. But before you came Steve was all business all the time, you made him fun. I don't think I ever saw him smile until you came." Peter added. "I bet you've done the same with Bucky, too. Have you played True American yet?" Peter asked.

Theo busted out into laughter. "No. It didn't feel right without Steve and Tony. Especially Tony. But I think the whole team should play once the baby is born." She said with a smile through tears of laughter.

"Whats True American?" Bucky asked from the doorway, both of them turned their heads to look at Bucky. Theo smiled while Peter looked at him nervously. He was worried Bucky would freak out seeing Theo laying on his lap.

"It's complicated, it's a drinking game but it's also like candy land. We stole the idea from a TV show." Theo explained.

"We should play, without alcohol of course. Are you going to have the energy for True American?" Peter asked, looking down at Theo.

"We'll see. If not I'll jump in the lava." Theo joked.

"I'm down. How about we get Theo a nap first?" Bucky suggested.

"I just woke up from a nap, not really sure how long I was out though." Theo confessed, still smiling at her gorgeous fiance in the doorway to Peter's apartment.

"Only about an hour and a half. How about we play after dinner? That way Clint has time to get here." Peter suggested.

"Yes! Clint would kill us if we played without him!" Theo said with a laugh. "No Clinton rules!" She demanded.

"Of course not, I don't want to see Mr. Barnes naked." Peter joked, but he panicked when he realized Bucky had no context to his comment. But he was surprised when Bucky simply laughed.

"Come on, doll. How about we grab a nap before dinner? You can call Clint on the way to the penthouse." Bucky said to her, letting himself into Peter's apartment and scooping Theo up in his arms.

"I'll see you at dinner, Peter." Theo said happily as Bucky carried her away.

"You're going to have to explain this game to me, doll." Bucky said as he carried Theo to the elevator. She smiled and laid her head on his firm chest. "Of course, baby." Theo promised. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Clint.

"Hey, little one." Clint said happily when he answered the phone.

"Hey, I need you to get yourself and the kids to the conpound for dinner." Theo said happily as Bucky stepped into the elevator.

"Laura already has dinner in the oven, kid." Clint countered.

"We're playing True American after dinner." Theo said. She laughed when she heard Clint yell to Laura to shut the oven off and get dressed.

"I can't bring the kids to True American, kid. But I can leave them in my room." Clint responded after a minute.

"Sober True American, I'm pregnant, remember?" Theo pointed out.

"You got yourself a deal, kid. We'll be there." Clint promised before hanging up. Theo chuckled lightly and moved on to send a group text to the whole team. "Sober True American after dinner in the theater." It read.

Lastly Theo texted Christian and told him about the game, inviting his wife and kids as well as asking him to set up the drinks and add places for Clint's family at the table. She also invited Christian's family to dinner.

"I've never seen you so excited, doll. It's adorable." Bucky confessed as he carried her into their bedroom and laid down with her in his arms.

"It's the first game I ever got Steve to play with me. He was hooked from the start. Eventually the whole team joined in, it became a weekly thing." Theo explained as she curled up against Bucky. She laid her head on his chest happily.

"Let's get you a nap, doll. You can tell me about it when you wake up." Bucky said sweetly when he noticed Theo was struggling to keep her eyes open. He started to gently rub her back, tracing his fingertips along her spine until he finally felt her doze off on his chest.

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