Chapter 50

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Theo and Bucky sat in the conference room together as they waited for the rest of the team to join them. Theo was more nervous to not be on the team for a while than she was to tell them about the baby.

"Are you okay, doll?" Bucky asked sweetly when he noticed her staring off into nothing.

"Of course, just wondering how the team will react." Theo admitted, she'd already missed too much time with the team by getting hurt but now it could be a year before she was ready to go back out there with them.

"Everything will be fine." Bucky reassured her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to himself.

"I know. Hopefully nobody tells Pepper, I don't want to deal with her." Theo said with a huff, Bucky chuckled and leaned in to kiss her temple. "I don't think you have to worry about that, they were all pretty upset about the last time she was here." Bucky reminded her.

Slowly everyone piled in, aside from Peter who still wasn't home yet, but he promised Theo he would be home in a few days.

"So where are we going?" Sam asked as soon as he sat down.

"You'll be happy to know nobody is going anywhere this week, for now. I just need to talk to everyone together." Theo said as she stood up. Wanda smiled brightly at the two but didn't say a word.

"I'm going to be stepping away from the team for a while, Sam, I'd like you to take over while I'm off." Theo blurted out.

"Is this about Siberia?" Scott asked, his face filled with worry.

"No, no. I'm getting past that." Theo reassured them. Bucky stood up beside Theo and put his arm around her waist.

"I just think it's best for the three of us not to go on any missions for a while." Theo said, smiling up at Bucky who put his free hand on her stomach.

"Are you serious?" Sam blurted out, but he couldn't contain his smile if he tried. Thor however looked lost.

"Who else is not going on missions, is it Peter?" Thor asked. Theo couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thor, Theo's going to have a baby." Wanda corrected him.

"Lady Stark this is fantastic!" Thor beamed, hopping up to pull Theo into a hug. Slowly the rest of the team all jumped up, hugging Theo. Sam hugged Bucky, he reluctantly hugged him back. Thor pulled Bucky into a rough bear hug.

"Is this why you've been avoiding us?" Sam asked. Theo nodded, "I have been really sick, I'm hoping Bruce can give me something for that." Theo admitted.

"Of course, I've been waiting for you to ask." Bruce admitted, pulling a pill bottle out of his pocket and sliding it across the table to Theo. "They melt under your tongue, take them every 2 hours if you need them."

"Have you just been carrying these around?" Theo asked with a laugh. Bruce nodded, "I knew eventually you'd need them, I wanted to be ready. I don't want you to feel sick the entire time, you're already underweight, we can't have you both withering away."

"So that's why we haven't had seafood in a week?" Pietro asked, Theo nodded.

"Don't worry, Bruce, I'm keeping her stocked up on peanut butter." Bucky teased, but also reassuring Bruce. Bruce was right, she was already small, he couldn't have her morning sickness make her even smaller. She needed to be gaining for the baby, not losing. He'd already noticed she felt a little lighter the last week from throwing up so much.

"Thank you, Bruce." Theo said with a smile. "I'm so glad nobody is mad." Theo finally admitted.

"Mad? We're all ecstatic!" Scott said with a big smile, his eyes barley showing with how hard he was smiling.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now