Chapter 31

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Bucky made his way to the kitchen and let himself in. "Christian" he said happily, pouring himself a cup of coffee as he leaned against the counter.

"Bucky! So good to see you this morning, I was on my way up with breakfast in a few minutes. How is our girl?" Christian said in a cheery tone, sliding a plate across the counter for Bucky. He had made bear claws from scratch as well as rugelach cookies.

Bucky took a bite of the small pasty and his eyes lit up. "What is this?" He asked as he quickly popped the whole thing in his mouth.

"It is a polish pastry, basically a croissant wrapped up with filling and dusted in rock sugar. Do you like it? It's filled with pecans and cinnamon. These are filled with strawberry and chocolate. Try it!" Christian said happily, pushing a plate of the small pastries at Bucky.

Without hesitation Bucky popped the whole thing in his mouth. "You never cease to amaze me, Christian"

The two talked until it was time to serve breakfast, Bucky helped set the table and serve the team that had actually came down.

"Decide to trade in the hero life to be a waitress, Buck?" Sam said with a laugh. Bucky quickly pushed him out of his chair "You can't call me that" he said with a laugh. When everyone was served Bucky retreated to the kitchen.

"I will help you carry breakfast up to our girl, come on" Christian said with a smile as he loaded up the cart. Bucky added a 2 coffee mugs and a carafe filled with Christian's freshly made mango pomegranate juice for Peter, just in case. They made their way up to the penthouse together.

Bucky couldn't help but smile when he exited the elevator and saw Theo and Peter on opposite ends of the couch watching The Haunting of Hill House yet again, Theo had her feet in Peter's lap.

"Before you ask, I took my dose when your alarm went off" Theo announced either a smile. Bucky had forgotten his phone so he was grateful Theo was already awake.

"Good, and I brought breakfast" Bucky said with a smile. He came over and sat on the adjacent couch, Christian following and sitting with him.

"Good morning Prețiosul meu ((My precious in Romanian)) I'm not used to seeing you up so early, and it is good to see you Peter, it's been a while" Christian said, pouring a cup of coffee for Theo and handing it to her.

The four ate in silence as they watched Theo's favorite show, surprisingly Peter stayed. He offered to switch seats with Bucky, nervously. But Bucky refused, he knew his fiancee needed time with her former best friend and he didn't mind giving it to her. But he did steal looks at her every chance he got, many of them met with Theo already smiling at him.

"Well boys, I'd love to stay but the lab calls me" Theo said as she climbed up off the couch. "Parker you might want to go train" she added with a laugh, retreating to the bedroom to get dressed for the day.

"Is there a mission coming up?" Christian said, puzzled.

"No, I'm kicking the kids ass tomorrow" Bucky added with a laugh. "Theo's orders, no mercy, no tap outs. She decides when he's had enough"

Peter laughed nervously, he didn't realize Theo ordered no tap out. He was screwed.

"I'm just kidding, kid. You can run" Bucky added, clapping a firm hand on Peter's leg before following Theo to the bedroom. Christian quietly cleaned up breakfast and left the penthouse, Peter looked around nervously but then also left to find Sam and ask him to train with him for the day.

"How was your morning with Parker? I heard he apologized" Bucky said, coming up and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"He's trying, it'll be a while before we're friends again but I like where we got today. I'm sorry he stayed, I know you don't like him" Theo admitted, leaning her head back onto his chest.

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