Chapter 39

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When the two reached the garage Bucky led her to his bike happily. He climbed on first and held it up for Theo to climb on, she held onto his waist tightly and leaned her head into his back but before he could start the bike Wanda stopped him.

"We've all been worried about you, Peter heard you were upset in the lab" Wanda said to Theo.

"She just needs to get away for a little bit." Bucky said, starting up the bike in hopes Wanda wouldn't continue. When Wanda went to say something else Bucky simply sped off, leaving her standing in his parking spot confused.

Bucky drove around for hours, only stopping when his phone went off to give Theo her nerve medicine. But continuing to drive until finally around midnight he parked the bike at the pier.

"Do you feel better" Bucky asked as she climbed off the bike. Bucky hopped off as well and leaned against it, pulling her into his chest.

"Much, thank you. Maybe I should get one of these?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

"Not a chance, doll. My baby mamma isn't driving a motorcycle, can't even put a car seat on one" he joked back at her, leaning his head down for a kiss.

"I know, that's why your minivan will be here next week" Theo said with a laugh.

"Not funny" Bucky said as he tried to hold back a laugh. "I will never drive a minivan. I'll pick our kids up from school in a Jeep like a normal dad."

"I don't think anything about us will scream 'normal parents' Buck" she said, smiling up at him.

"Is it the job or the age gap?" Bucky said with a grin. He knew they'd never be normal parents, but they'd be good ones some day.

"The serum" Theo said sadly. Bucky caught on that she wasn't teasing him anymore and cupped her face in his hands. "Everything will be fine, we've got Bruce and if needed we've got Wakanda, nothing will happen to you or any future offspring, okay? You know I can protect you." He promised.

"I know you can, I trust you. I'm just worried about what I will be by the time we get there. We've already established I'm apparently a sponge for other people's abilities, what if we run into someone with some nasty powers and I get stuck with them? Or worse pass them onto our kids?" Theo let out a big sigh, why couldn't things just be easy for once?

"Then I better hurry up and make you a Barnes before we run into any weird villains" Bucky said lightheartedly.

"You better." Theo chuckled and laid her head against his chest.

"You can have a priest here in an hour." Bucky teased, referring to her joke at the restaurant yesterday.

"When should we start planning? I haven't done anything yet. I know Wanda is already jumping at the idea of helping me. But I don't want a big thing.. I don't want something that looks like Tony planned it." She admitted. "I don't even know who would give me away...I don't have anybody left." She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment to just enjoy being in Bucky's arms.

"You could ask Bruce, Clint or Happy. All 3 of them would be happy to walk you down the aisle." Bucky suggested.

Theo looked up at Bucky and had a few loose tears falling down her face, he quickly brushed them away with his thumbs. "I always pictured Tony on one side and Steve on the other down the aisle. I would've had to beg them not to go in uniform. Tony would be drunk before we left for the honeymoon. Thor would bring asgardian liquor and slip it to Steve to see how he acts drunk.." she said as a few more tears fell.

"Then pick 2 of them, and we'll get Happy drunk it'll be hilarious, you'll see. And I'll get drunk on Thor's liquor." Bucky reassured her. "I know you'll never in a million lifetimes be able to replace your dads. But that day will be all about you and I, nothing else."

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now