Chapter 40

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The last 5 months have seemed to fly by without issues, Theo and Wanda have started wedding planning. Theo and Bucky decided on a fall wedding, between the crunchy leaves and cool temperatures it's perfect and easily the most beautiful time of the year. Since the wedding was small Theo decided to shop for wedding dresses alone, not to spoil the surprise for anyone.

Theo was at her kitchen table at the penthouse making calls and planning things while Bucky trained with Peter, her orders. "FRIDAY, call a meeting in the conference room in an hour please." Theo said out loud.

"Right away, Ms. Rogers Stark. Shall I inform Mr. Barnes to come early?" The AI responded.

"Yes, FRIDAY, inform him it is not urgent and there's no mission." Theo responded before making a call about catering.


The meeting was set to start in 30 minutes, Theo was waiting in the conference room when Bucky came in looking worried. "Everything okay, doll?" He said as he crossed the conference room and leaned down to kiss her. He was still sweaty from the gym and smelled like a sexy mixture of his citrusy wood cologne, sweat and toothpaste.

"Everything is fine dear, we just need to talk to our wedding party. I wanted to get it done today if you're ready to ask your men?" She said sweetly, pulling him in for an extra kiss.

Bucky sat down next to her and held her hand while they waited for the rest to funnel in. "We can ask today, I'm ready. What all do we need to do after I grab a shower?" He asked with a smile.

"We have a meeting with the caterer to taste test different menu items if you're up for it?" Theo admitted. Bucky lightly squeezed her hand. "I'm up for anything, doll. I do have a meeting with the florist this evening if you'd like to join?" He countered.

Bucky was incredible with wedding planning, he happily took on half of the tasks that needed done and insisting on helping with her half as well.

"I can't, I have a dress fitting this evening, I'm sorry Buck. But I trust your judgment. Just remember to tell the florist your wife to be wants foresty garden fairy witchy vibes." She said with a smile.

"I've got it all up here." He said, tapping on his temple. Bucky stared off into nothing after that until Theo rubbed his arm and got his attention back.

"Whats going on in that big cyborg brain of yours?" Theo teased.

"It's computing" he said with a short dry chuckle, looking over to smile at Theo.

"You know what, I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning. Oh! They're malfunctioning, shutting down. Yep, they're on fire" Sam said from the doorway with a laugh. Theo threw a pen at him.

"Hurtful" he joked as he took a seat in the conference room.

Theo leaned into Bucky. "You okay, dear?" She whispered to him. Bucky rubbed her thigh lightly and smiled at him. "Yes, doll, sorry. Thinking about what I have to do next." He said.

"Do you have a little free time after this? I really need to get on the mat and blow off some steam before we see the caterers." Theo asked, holding onto his arm as he gripped her thigh.

"For you? I always have time." He promised, flashing her that million dollar smile of his.

The rest of the group had piled in, waiting patiently for Theo to start.

"Okay, I'm sorry I called you all in. We don't have any missions, we just wanted to talk to you guys." Theo announced to the group.

"I'll go first. Wanda, I know you already read my mind but will you be my maid of honor?" Theo said with a smile. Wanda squealed and ran over to Theo, hugging her tightly. "Of course I will"

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now