Chapter 14

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Theo was so nervous getting read for dinner with Christian and his family, she's met them a thousand times but felt so scared tonight.

Bucky came up behind her as she changed her clothes for the 4th time and started gently massaging her shoulders while she stood in the doorway of her closet.

"Relax, doll, you already know they love you" he said with a smile, leaning down to kiss the back of her neck.

Theo gave a big sigh and Bucky felt her shoulders relax after a moment. She leaned against him and closed her eyes, enjoying his touch.

"Get dressed, they'll be here soon" he said with a soft smile. Kissing the top of her head before releasing her shoulders.

Theo let out a small whimper but headed into the closet. She settled with a simple pair of black leggings and Tony's favorite long sleeve Black Sabbath shirt.

"I miss your hands on me already" she said as she came out of the closet and hugged onto his torso, smiling up at him.

"Doll I will rub every inch of your body if you asked me to, but only after dinner" he chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. Theo made a fake pouty face but leaned up to kiss his lips softly.

"I would never object to that" she admitted as she continued to smile up at him happily.

Nobody else from the team was home, Friday night was usually pretty dead at the compound.

Sam had postponed his breakfast date and was on it now, Scott was with his daughter Cassie for the weekend, Wanda and Pietro were catching up and hitting the town. Peter decided to visit Aunt May for the weekend and Thor went to check in on Asgard. Bruce was in the lab as usual and Clint was at his home with his family.

As soon as Theo and Bucky stepped off the elevator the delicious smell of the roast Christian had made filled the air, it almost made Theo's mouth water as they approached the kitchen.

" Prețiosul meu ((My precious in Romanian)) they will be here any minute, go relax I will handle serving" Christian said with a smile after giving her a quick hug.

Theo sat in the livingroom with Bucky beside her, bouncing her knee anxiously until Bucky rested his hand on her knee and gave it a gentle squeeze which calmed her down enough to stop her bouncing.

Lana, Christian's wife, was first in the door with a smile across her face. "My dear I've missed you" she said as she rushed over to Theo who quickly stood and met her halfway, pulling her into a tight hug.

The kids were quickly behind her, but Theo sadly noticed their oldest and their youngest were still the size they were the last she saw then. Samantha was still a beautiful happy 3 year old and Bradley was still an awkward 15 year old. Theo felt like crying on the spot, Christian had never told her two of their kids had disappeared like she did.

It was strange to Theo to see the middle kids growing up so fast. Charlie was 11 now and almost as tall as Theo, Michael was 17 and stood taller than Theo but still Bucky towered over them all.

Theo quickly hugged each child as tightly as she could, they all missed her so much. Michael seemed to check her out which gave Bucky a laugh, he's a 17 year old boy he couldn't help himself.

"Guys, this is Bucky my boyfriend and the newest Avenger" she announced proudly as she took her place by his side and under his vibranium arm.

Samantha, the 3 year old happily approached them and reached her arms out for Bucky. Theo started to smile from ear to ear watching him pick her up with his flesh arm. Samantha was quick to grab his vibranium arm and study it, Bucky looked nervous but didn't mind.

"So is he a robot?" Charlie the 11 year old asked, Theo chuckled and shook her head. "No, he's a man, he just has an arm made out of the same stuff as Cap's shield" she said, feeling a sting in her heart and she realized she'd have to tell the kids about her dads.

"They know, my dear" Lana said with a sad smile as she headed into the kitchen to assist Christian.

The kids all came around and sat around Theo and Bucky but Samantha stayed glued to him, running her fingers along his vibranium arm and smiling at him everytime she caught him watching her.

"So could you kill me with that thing?" Bradley the 15 year old blurted out. Theo quickly threw the remote at the boy and glared at him.

"I could kill you with a WII remote, what about it?" Theo snapped and Michael the now oldest brother elbowed Bradley to stop talking.

"I could, I could kill you with the other arm too. But I don't do that anymore" Bucky said with a half smile that didn't reach his eyes.

When Christian came in the room Samantha reached for him, finally giving Theo her boyfriend back.

They entered the dining room together as Theo took her spot beside Bucky as usual and Charlie the 11 year old quickly sat on the other side of her. Dinner went well, the kids told Theo all about their lives over the blip and about how their lives are going currently. Theo told them about taking over as Ironman and asked a few questions about what her and Bucky missed over those 5 years.

When everyone was done with their dinner Bucky hopped up with Christian to help serve dessert, insisting Theo stay and catch up with the family. She did so happily, Samantha the 3 year old climbed into Bucky's seat.

Christian and Bucky served dessert and Bucky stood behind Theo, not daring to move Samantha. But Samantha reached out for him and he happily picked her up.

"She took your seat so she could sit on you" Lana said with a laugh as they dug into their fresh apple pie and ice cream.

"I don't mind sharing" Theo said with a big smile, she didn't want Samantha to still be 3 but she wasn't upset about seeing how cute she looked in her boyfriends lap, babbling on about everything and nothing while he listened intently. She stole slices of the apple in his pie with her bare fingers as they talked, Bucky didn't mind and even offered her bites from his fork which she happily took.

Theo felt like she was going to explode with how adorable it all was, Samantha clung to him all night and even fell asleep in his lap as the group watched Hotel Transylvania in the theater together. She felt like she hadn't missed a minute, of course the middle children were older but they treated her the same aside from Michael checking her out the entire evening which she couldn't help but laugh at.

"I will take her, sorry about her, she gets clingy" Lana said with a smile as she took a sleeping Samantha out of Bucky's lap. It almost looked like Bucky was sad she was no longer with him so Theo curled up against him quickly. She was happy to get his attention back but she couldn't happily watched those 2 all day.

" Prețiosul meu ((My precious in Romanian)) I am going to take my family home, your hot chocolate is already in your room for you" Christian said as he came around and kissed the top of her head.

Theo thanked them for coming and asked them to come back soon or invite her over. They promised to invite her and Bucky over soon and Lana gave Bucky a big hug before leaving to load Samantha into the car. Charlie, the 11 year old girl timidly walked up to Bucky, wrapping her arms around his legs for a hug before quickly pulling away turning beat red and running outside to join her mother.

Bucky and Theo headed back to the penthouse together, Bucky quickly stripped to his boxers and Theo stole his shirt tonight, stripping of everything else before climbing into bed beside him.

"Do you want me to go up and grab one of Tony's shirts?" He asked with a smile, rubbing her back gently. Theo shook her head no and laid her head on his bare chest happily.

"I like the shirt I'm in" she admitted with a smile, turning her head to quickly kiss his bare chest. Bucky was so excited, he'd been waiting to see his girl sleeping peacefully in his shirt but he was sad that his shirt fully covered her ass and hung to the middle of her thighs while Tony's left the bottom of her ass peeking out. But he loved the sight he saw, his doll laying happily on his chest in nothing but his shirt. He had to fight back the erection and luckily succeeded.

Of course he wanted to fuck her, she's easily the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen in his life. But he didn't want to screw it up, he wanted to take his time with her and wait until she was comfortable so the two fell asleep in each other's arms as the cold breeze blew in from the balcony.

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