Chapter 22

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9 months have passed without much incident but today during breakfast a special announcement took over the TV, announcing a terrorist attack in Romania.

"You know what that means, wheels up in 30" Theo said with a sigh as she got up, abandoning her breakfast. Bucky was quickly at her side as they walked to the penthouse to get ready. Theo put on an all black shorts bodysuit so she was comfortable under her suit. Bucky put on his uniform, it was a beautiful dark blue and black leather top with the left sleeve removed and black pants. He liked simple and he liked being able to move without restriction.

Theo threw one of Bucky's black zip up jackets on over her bodysuit and packed a few changes of clothes in case the trip lasted a few days, Bucky did the same and within 10 minutes they were heading to the jet.

Theo and Bucky were first on the jet, they still had 20 minutes before take off so Theo looked into the attack while they waited. Turns out a terrorist group bombed an entire city. Rescue efforts have so far been unsuccessful because they can't access the city safely. Theo made a quick call to the UN and to the national guard, telling them The Avengers were coming to help save survivors.

Slowly the rest of the team filled the jet and Theo stood up to address them all.

"Alright, guys, all were doing here is helping rescue efforts." Theo said confidently.

"Locals are having trouble accessing the area so those of us that can fly, bring someone with you. As far as we know this is an isolated incident so we don't need to be too cautious of threats but keep an eye out." Theo added.

"Why are we going if it's not a threat?" Pietro said, sounding confused.

"Were going to help. There are people trapped, innocent people. They don't deserve to lay stranded for days until the locals can get through the rubble." Theo answered.

"Does everyone have spare clothes? I don't know how long this will take but nobody is going home until we know everyone is out. So, Sam, you better cancel whatever dates you have planned." Theo teased.

Theo sat back down and leaned against Bucky as Clint took off, he was piloting the jet as usual and Sam was his copilot.

"When was the last time you were here?" Bucky asked.

"I was 18 the last time I came to Romania. I can't believe it took all this for me to go back.." Theo admitted shyly.

"Steve and Tony used to take me all the time, so I wouldn't miss home. But as I got older it stopped being home, I don't really know if it ever was. Home was with my dads. With the team." She added.

Bucky tightened his grip on her waist and leaned his head on top of hers. "We don't have to go near your old house, do we?" He asked.

"From what I've seen it's destroyed. But it has been for a long time, nobody ever moved in after what happened.." Theo said.

"What happened?" Scott asked. Wanda gave him a gentle elbow to the side.

"No, it's okay. Everyone else knows. Scott I didn't always live with my dads. I didn't always live with The Avengers. I came from Romania, my parents were Hydra. That's why I'm so fast." Theo started but had to give herself a moment.

"My actual parents tried to.. well" Theo didn't know how to continue.

"They wanted her to be like me. Well, The Winter Soldier. They wanted her to follow his footsteps, or worse." Bucky added for her. Theo squeezed his hand lightly.

"When they failed they were killed. I found their bodies and in my panic Steve found me." Theo finally said.

"Oh, nugget I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Scott said, feeling guilty.

"No, no. Not at all, the whole rest of the team knows because they were around back then. You didn't join us until later and we all kind of silently agreed not to talk about it. I'm sorry you got left out." Theo said with a dad smile.

"Do you still think about your birth parents?" Wanda finally asked.

"Only in my nightmares. I don't hold any love for them, they were monsters." Theo admitted.

The rest of the ride to Romania was small talk, much lighter subjects. Wanda and Pietro dozed off in their seats together.

Peter nervously picked at his hands, desperate to look anywhere but at Theo and Bucky.

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