Chapter 23

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When the team landed in Romania it was a mess, the streets were filled with debris of buildings and you could hear screaming from every direction, soft crying for help. It was a disaster.

Thor grabbed Peter and Scott, taking them into the zone rescue teams couldn't reach, Sam flew to the area and Wanda used her magic and took Pietro with her.

"You trust me?" Theo said, staring up at Bucky. Bucky smiled and gave her a quick kiss. "Have since Wakanda" he admitted, ever since that day she tackled him to the ground to save him he's trusted her.

Theo stepped back from Bucky and tapped her necklace, her suit forming around her body. Bucky wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his torso before taking off into the air.

When they landed in the wreckage they could hear nothing but screams, the air smelled like blood and gun powder. Bucky quickly ran through the wreckage, tearing debris from people to free them. Theo was with him the whole time either helping lift debris or flying survivors away. She had just came back from dropping off a young girl, only 7 years old, when she couldn't find Bucky.

"Anyone have eyes on Bucky?" She said into comms, it was silence. Eerily painful silence for longer than she was comfortable.

"He ran into a building at the end of the street your on 5 minutes ago, he heard kids crying for help" Sam finally chimed in. Relief washed over her. She rushed into the building to help but heard no screams and didn't see Bucky. She was careful and quiet but took a lap around the whole building, searching for him.

She finally found him, he was standing at the end of a hallway, surrounded by men pointing guns at him. At least 12.

"Let him go" she demanded, ready to point her regulators at them.

"You shoot, he dies" a man spat.

Theo allowed her suit to go back into her necklace, holding her hands in their air as if to surrender. But she had her comms on so everyone could hear what was happening.

"You don't want him. The words don't even work anymore, he's useless to you. I however am a Stark and a Rogers. A super soldier and a genius." She lied, but they didn't know that, if she could convince them she was a super soldier they'd take her and leave Bucky alone.

"The Winter Soldier is needed back home" Someone said, Theo continued to approach the group slowly, her hands still in the air.

"The Winter Soldier doesn't exist anymore, try it. You're better with me" she said. She could feel Bucky burning holes into her with his gaze, he was pissed. He'd rather her shoot them and risk his life than this.

One man nodded in agreement and began calling out Bucky's trigger words, and just as she said they didn't work.

"You ruined our assassin" Someone yelled, moving their gun from Bucky to her.

"That's why you want me instead. A super soldier that can build bombs? You don't need a fist" she was trembling but refused to show it, if Bucky wasn't watching her she's convinced she would've pissed her pants by now from fear.

Bucky couldn't help but think this was definitely Steve's influence talking, if his friend were still alive he would've punched him for influencing her like this. She had to be okay, even if he wasn't.

"Grab her" Someone in the back said, two large men lunged at her, Theo didn't move. She didn't attempt to block them, she was willing to let them take her to save Bucky.

But then she heard the thunder and tried to hide a smile. She grabbed onto the two men that tackled her, finally grinning at them. "Oh you're so screwed now" she said with a mischievous laugh.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now