Chapter 21

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It's been three months since the mission, Bucky and Theo visited the 50 soldiers once a week until they were released from the hospital, she really did get to know and befriend almost every single one of them. The men returned to their regular jobs in the military but kept in touch with Theo and Bucky.

On this particular night Theo was sitting on the porch swing reading, Bucky close beside her with his arm around her as he read over her shoulder. He had brought his own book out to the balcony but found himself more interested in hers instead. Bucky noticed she was taking longer and longer to turn the page and knew it was because she was getting tired.

"Let's get you to bed, doll" he said with a small smile, squeezing her waist gently. Theo sighed and closed her book, leaning her head against his chest. "It just smells like spring out here" she said happily, winter was finally over but it was still chilly at night.

"You know well leave the balcony open for you" he said with a soft laugh, cradling her in his arms as he carried her to bed. Theo was quick to snuggle into the covers, reaching her arms out for Bucky. He undressed and climbed in beside her, pulling her into his strong chest. He held her closely as he felt her drift off to sleep as he did every night.

"I love you, doll" he whispered against her temple, the two hadn't shared those words yet, he was afraid to but he figured he'd at least get to say it while she slept until he found it in himself to tell her.

Theo stirred lightly in his grasp, her face burying further into his shoulder "I love you, James" she mumbled with a smile. She was awake, Bucky just laid there shocked but tightened his grip on her, she heard him. All the stress of telling her was gone, and she loved him back.

In the morning Theo had her head on his stomach, one arm laid gently in his lap while the other fell to her side. Bucky couldn't get enough of the adorable positions she found herself in every morning, every night she crawled on top of him as if no matter how close she was it wasn't close enough. Bucky heard the elevator open followed by the familiar sound of Christian sneaking in the room with breakfast. He smiled when he saw Bucky was awake.

"She loves me" Bucky beamed. Christian smiled brighter and poured Bucky a cup of coffee. "Of course she does" he said before sneaking away.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now