Chapter 30

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Theo was soundly asleep, laying flat on top of Bucky, one arm wrapped around his neck while the other laid on the bed. Her face was to the side, laying gently on his left shoulder with her nose almost touching his neck. Bucky's arms were firmly around her. She heard his phone vibrate and before she could think she grabbed his phone and shut it off, this was the first time she'd woken up for an alarm and not him and she was ecstatic to let him sleep. She carefully reached to the nightstand and grabbed a pill, swallowing it dry.

Theo adjusted herself, scooting down his body until her head was in the middle of his chest and her torso laid on top of his, her legs laid between his. She reached up and held onto his shoulders, giving his chest a small kiss before falling back to sleep, proud of herself for letting him have some extra rest.

Bucky woke up to the familiar vibrate of his phone, he panicked when he realized the sun was starting to come up, he somehow slept through an alarm. He gently stated running his hand through her hair, worried. He grabbed the syringe and carefully gave her the shot in the side of her stomach, he couldn't reach anywhere else without bothering her. After he discarded the syringe he just stared down at her, studying her face for any signs of pain. This was the first dose he'd missed since their first night back from the hospital.

"Go back to sleep" she groaned, without opening her eyes she reached up and felt for him until she found his face. Jokingly pushing his eyelids closed.

"Are you okay, doll? I missed a dose. I don't know how, I'm so sorry" he sounded heartbroken. She instantly felt bad for shutting off the alarm.

"I'm sorry I scared you, baby. I heard the alarm. I just wanted you to sleep" she admitted with a sad sigh and moved to look up at him. "I'm so sorry"

Bucky reached down, holding her face in his hand, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "As long as you're okay"

"I just feel bad that you keep losing sleep for me, I was excited that you didn't wake up.." she admitted in a hushed tone, suddenly upset with herself for being proud he didn't wake up.

"It's okay, as long as you're okay" he promised. Bucky leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Go back to bed, doll, it's still early"

The two easily fell back to sleep, Theo had turned in her sleep and wound up laying her head on his stomach with her body between his legs. Bucky had one hand on her right boob while his left hand was resting on her sternum. His legs were wrapped up in hers as well.

Theo woke up to the door opening, she hesitantly opened one eye, squinting as the bright sun hit her face and saw an annoyed Peter staring down at her. Quickly she threw the sheet over her naked body.

"I just wanted to talk to you" he said, his face was sad but his tone was angry.

"Then talk" she replied calmly. Of course she was heartbroken about Peter shutting her out but she was also furious about how he'd been treating her lately. Peter simply gave her a heartbroken look but didn't respond.

"Go to the livingroom I'll be there in a minute" she finally said in a small huff. Peter nodded and stepped out of the door, moving to sit on one of the couches in her livingroom. Theo quietly scooted out of Bucky's arms, afraid to wake him and threw on the hoodie she was wearing yesterday and his sweatpants. She went and sat beside Peter on the couch, leaving plenty of space between them.

"Theo I'm sorry" he blurted out as soon as she sat down. "I don't want you to hate me" he sighed, his head hanging low.

"Do you know how I feel? I thought we were friends, best friends. Then I find out you never saw me as a friend.." She lost her confidence halfway through ans simply gave up. Peter took her hand and held it tightly. "You were always my friend, you will always be my friend. I didn't mean to see more in you, I tried to stop. But hasn't anyone told you how amazing you are? I couldn't help myself" he admitted.

Theo didn't say anything, she simply pulled her hand out of Peter's and kept her eyes to the floor. Peter got off the couch and sat on the floor in front of her, taking both her hands into his. "I don't know how to watch you be with him. But I'll learn, I can't lose you, I can't lose The Avengers"

"I don't want you to go, the team needs you, I need my friend back. But I can't have someone on my team if they're going to be a danger to all of us. So you need to sort this out" she demanded.

"I've never put the team at risk, I never would" he vowed, refusing to let her out of his grip.

"You're really telling me that if I were pinned, men surrounding me and James ordered you to stand down you would?" She spat. The hesitation on his face answered the question before he could.

"I thought so. Until you sort this out you're benched from any mission James and I are on" her voice calmed down, she had to remember Bucky sleeping in the next room, he deserved a few more hours of sleep.

"You can trust me, Theo. I'll listen to Barnes. I just want to be great like Tony, you cant take this from me. Please" he sighed, finally dropping her hands and sinking further into the floor.

"And he wanted you to be better, he wanted both of us to be better than him. No going rogue, no more of this arguing and you need to move past whatever you think you feel about me, please. I just want my friend back. Do you know how upsetting it was not to tell my best friend about being proposed to at a freaking castle?" Theo was almost in tears at this point.

"A castle? That's great Theo. I bet it was wonderful" Peter tried his best to sound happy for her, he was happy for her. As much as it hurt him to see her with someone else he ultimately wanted her to be happy.

"I want to be happy for you, Theo. I will be one day, don't give up in me" he pleaded. Theo put her hand on the side of his face, finally looking up at him. They both had tears in their eyes that they were fighting back.

"You know Buck's gonna kick your ass tomorrow, right? No mercy. I ordered him to. You might wanna flee while you still can" she admitted through a teary laugh that Peter matched.

"I don't think he could get far enough away" Bucky said with a dry laugh as he stood now fully dressed in the doorway of their bedroom watching the pair. He heard everything, he was proud of Peter for trying so hard to fix things honestly.

"I'm not running away, I deserve it, I'm sorry Mr. Barnes" Peter admitted.

"It's not me you need to be sorry to, kid" Bucky responded. Without another word Bucky left the penthouse to grab coffee and catch up with Christian, they'd really gotten close.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now