Chapter 36

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As soon as the two pulled up to the restaurant the valet rushed to the car but they also noticed reporters.

"Are you ready to be announced as ''The other Stark's man" Theo joked, but she knew they'd be on the front page of every paper by tomorrow morning.

"As long as you're ready to be announced as The Winter Soldiers girl.." Bucky said hesitantly.

"Never heard of him, but my fiancee is The White Wolf I'm sure he can take him" Theo said with a chuckle as she lightly rubbed his arm.

With a nervous sigh Bucky hopped out of the car and handed the Valet the keys as he rushed to Theo's side and helped her out of the car. The two walked in confidently arm in arm, both ignoring the flashing cameras and the questions being yelled at them. The host enthusiastically greeted them as soon as they walked in. "Mr. Barnes, Ms. Stark thank you for joining us it is an honor to serve The Avengers. Right this way, we gave you our best table" the host said nervously.

Bucky pulled out Theo's chair, gently pushing it to the table once she was sat and sitting in the chair next to her. "I know I'm supposed to sit across from you, but you look too beautiful to be away from" Bucky admitted.

"I didn't want to sit that far away from you anyway" Theo said with a smile. When the waitress came Theo couldn't help but notice she was staring at Bucky's left hand so Theo happily took it into her hand, linking their fingers. Bucky ordered a beer while Theo simply ordered water.

"Not in the wine mood?" Bucky teased as soon as the waitress left, Theo leaned her head against Bucky's shoulder. "Not today, I just want to enjoy my evening with you" she admitted with a smile.

"I enjoy every minute with you though" she quickly added. Bucky leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly. "As do I, doll. You could be in cheeto stained sweatpants making me watch The Devil's Rejects for the 368th time and I'd still be obsessed with you"

The chef personally came to their table to thank them for dining with them. Theo told the chef they'd eat whatever he recommended happily. The chef practically danced away to the kitchen after that.

It didn't take long for their first course to come out, Bucky looked at it hesitantly but was blown away when he tasted it.

"Okay..let's get to why we came here" Theo said with a small sigh as they finished their first course. She wrapped her arm around Bucky's as he held onto her thigh.

"I don't know if I want kids or not, I mean I'm only 21 and I'm the head of The Avengers. I have a lot to deal with." She said hesitantly. She was so scared of scaring him off, terrified he wanted kids and he'd call off the engagement for her confession.

"I think I want kids, I don't really know. I did want kids before this." He said as he wiggled his vibranium fingers in her hand. "But I will do whatever makes you happy. If that's being Avengers until we're old and gray I'll do it. If that's retiring and buying a house with a white fence with 3 kids and a dog I'll do it." Bucky replied happily. It was true, he was never fully convinced which path his life needed to take, he knew he was tired of fighting but he'd do anything to stay by Theo's side.

"How about we start with 1 and see how we feel? But I don't want to fight until I'm old and gray. I want us to have peace, like you had in Wakanda."

"We can start with 1" Bucky said with a smile that he couldn't contain if he tried. "I wonder how quick we can get the bill" he joked. Theo gently elbowed him and chuckled.

"When did you want that first one?" Theo asked, smiling up at Bucky as their second course arrived. Bucky didn't hesitate this time to try it and was happily blown away.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora