Chapter 45

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Theo woke up to the now familiar sick feeling, she was laying on top of Bucky, straddling him with her face buried into his neck. She carefully climbed out of his grasp and darted for the bathroom. It was still night and only the moon was guiding her way. As soon as she found the bathroom she was on her knees in front of the toilet, violently throwing up.

Bucky heard Theo getting sick and jumped up, grabbing her ginger candies and rushing to her side. He gathered all her hair into his left hand while his right rubbed her back.

When Theo was done she curled her knees up to her chest, laying her head on her knees and looked over at Bucky. "I'm sorry I woke you up." She mumbled.

"We're in this together, I want to be woken up." He reassured her, grabbing a small hairclip from the sink and putting it in her hair so his left hand was free. "Would you like a piece of ginger? Shuri said it will help." Bucky offered, handing her a small piece of the candy. Theo nodded and took the candy, making a sour face when she put it in her mouth.

"It's not very good." She said. Bucky chuckled and spread his legs for her, pulling her to lean against him between them.

"Hey as long as it helps." Bucky said, putting a piece of the candy in his mouth as well. As soon as he tasted the candy he squinted his eyes and puckered his lips, Theo couldn't help but laugh. "I told you." She warned.

"As long as it helps you." He said once the sour taste left his mouth.

"Are you ready to go back to bed or do you want to sit here for a little while?" Bucky offered, rubbing her stomach lightly with his right hand. Theo shook her head no and laid her head back on his shoulder.

"Okay, doll, that's fine. We can sit here as long as you need." He promised, kissing her temple lightly.

"Go back to bed, Buck, I'll be there in a minute." Theo vowed, Bucky kissed her temple before leaning his head against the wall. "Not without you." He promised.

The two sat on the bathroom floor for a while, Bucky gently drawing on her stomach with his fingertips to soothe her until Theo yawned and turned her face to bury it in Bucky's neck.

"Lets get you back to sleep." Bucky said lightly. Theo nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him lift her to his chest and carry her back to bed.

Bucky laid on his back while Theo laid on her side with her back against his side, her head leaning back and laying on his shoulder while he wrapped his vibranium arm around her as she drifted off to sleep again.

Theo slept through the remainder of the night, Bucky not so much. He slept but at every little noise he was awake, checking if Theo was okay, he needed her to be okay.

Eventually Bucky drifted off to sleep soundly, the sun shining through the open windows waking him up. Theo was rolled over, her chest pressed tightly against his side while his vibranium arm was around her and settled on her ass. She had an arm slung across his torso, holding him tightly. Her head was resting on his left shoulder as she usually did, he could feel her breath lightly tickling his neck and couldn't help but smile at the thought. Last time he was in Wakanda he was alone and isolated, just gotten his mind back. Now he's engaged with a baby on the way, he couldn't believe it.

Bucky laid still just watching Theo sleep, he needed her to sleep as much as possible. She was already tired and sick most of the time now, he was worried how the rest of the pregnancy would go, but he knew he'd do everything he could to help her. She looked so peaceful, so happy.

He laid there watching her for several more hours before she finally started to stir lightly in his grasp before sleepily opening her eyes, staring into his.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now