Chapter 18

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Bucky drove them to Clint's in one of Tony's cars, it was a little too cold for the bike even though Theo begged him to take it. Holding onto him tightly as the world faded away around them was such a comfort to her, he could've driven until the tank was empty and she still wouldn't think it was enough.

"Theo! I'm so glad you made it" she heard Laura yell as soon as they pulled into the driveway of Clint's beautiful farmhouse. Theo jumped out and embraced her, rocking them back and forth.

Theo quickly introduced Bucky to Laura, smiling like a fool as she said boyfriend. Laura gave him a quick hug before shivering, she was so excited to see Theo and meet Bucky that she didn't grab a coat when she saw them pull up.

"Come on, I'm sure the kids are excited to see me" Theo joked as the three made their way inside. Clint's home really way beautiful, he had a gorgeous farmhouse on plenty of land. She couldn't help but feel jealous that he wasnt cemented to a life at the compound like she was.

Quickly three beautiful kids came charging through the livingroom, latching themselves onto Theo. They didn't talk about it specifically but she knew Clint's entire family disappeared during the snap, she hated herself for not being there for him during that time.

A beautiful young girl with dark brown hair came inside behind Clint with a big smile on her face as Clint argued with her about something. The girl approached the group and smiled widely at Theo.

"You must be Kate!" Theo squealed, pulling her into a hug without hesitation. "You must be Theodora" she said as she squeezed her.

"Theo" she corrected with a smile, still holding onto the girl. "And this is my boyfriend, Bucky" Theo said as her face flushed and she finally released Kate.

Kate eyed him up and down before nervously offering her hand to shake. "Kate" was all she said. Bucky ignored her behavior but Theo couldn't help but feel her blood boil, who checks out someone's man right in front of them?

Bucky wrapped an arm around her waist, giving her a gentle squeeze which calmed her mind enough to continue. The group retired to the livingroom but Bucky and Theo lingered in the doorway for a moment.

"Don't get jealous, doll, I only have eyes for you" he said with a gentle kiss, his lips lingering against her lips.

"I know" she said with a sigh, leaning into his touch and feeling herself melt in his arms. "The price I pay for dating the hottest man to ever exist" she joked. Bucky gave her ass a gentle smack before leading her into the livingroom to join the others.

"Anything new?" Clint said with a sarcastic tone. Theo simply shrugged and pulled her jacket off, laying it in an empty chair with Bucky's before moving to sit beside him.

Clint rolled his eyes and flipped the TV on, it was playing a short story about the new Ironman. Clint crossed his legs and gave Theo a sarcastic shocked expression. "So, anything new?" He repeated.

Before Theo could respond Clint stood up and pulled her into a hug "I'm so proud of you" he whispered into her hair before letting her go to join Bucky again.

"It felt like the right thing to do" she said quietly, suddenly feeling nervous all over again.

"So you're really Ironman?" One of Clint's kids said excitedly.

Theo stood up with a chuckle and double tapped her necklace, the suit quickly forming around her but leaving her head uncovered. The kids jumped up in awe, studying the suit and her.

"Show off" Clint said with a laugh. Theo rolled her eyes and tapped the chest of her suit, letting it return to its home in her necklace.

Bucky knew she was unsure about taking over, but the proud smile on her face everytime she pulled the suit out showed him that this really was the right decision. When Theo sat down Bucky pulled her close, keeping his hand on her hip as he smiled at her.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now