Chapter 27

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Theo darted upstairs to get dressed, a simple pair if distressed dark wash jeans and a black long sleeved shirt that clung to her body tightly.

Theo used the tracker on Peter's suit to find him, luckily FRIDAY said he was currently wearing it. She activated her suit and flew to Peter.

"What the hell were you thinking? I haven't seen you in weeks and you ignore my calls? Explain yourself, now" she demanded as soon as she found him sitting on top of a building.

"I don't have to explain anything to you. If you actually cared you'd be here." He spat.

Theo tapped her chest and let the suit disappear into her necklace, glaring at Peter as she approached him staring up at her with a shocked expression.

"Explain. Now" she repeated. Peter sighed and sat down on the ledge of the building.

"Theo I love you, and you love HIM. How am I supposed to look at you? How was I supposed to hear you screaming in pain all the way from my room and stay? I left the day you woke up. The others can't hear as well as me but I heard your screams from the lab. I can't hear you suffer, especially knowing I cant be the one to comfort you" He finally admitted, he had tears in his eyes but refused to make eye contact with her.

"You don't love me" she insisted. "I'm sorry you had to hear me though, I was trying to hide it from the team. They still don't know" she said in a hushed tone, she had forgotten one of his spider senses was impeccable hearing and immediately felt bad that he heard her at her worst.

"I do love you!" He yelled, standing up and staring down at her. "And I cant keep watching you love HIM and not me. Why wasn't I good enough?"

Theo stood up, pissed off. "You are good enough, I just can't love you like that. I thought we were family, I thought we were friends. How stupid do you think I feel that for all those years I thought we were friends you never saw me as a friend?" She quickly spat at him.

Peter looked like he either wanted to cry or punch her. Theo chose not to give him the chance to do either. She activated her suit and hovered over the building. "Get back to the compound, you have work to do" she said before quickly leaving. She wanted to cry but forced herself not to, but she knew she'd break when Bucky asked her how it went.

As she approached the compound she cursed to herself 10:58AM. Not late, but Bucky is probably nervous that she would be. As soon as she got inside she tapped her suit away and rushed to find Bucky. He was happily sitting at the kitchen island talking to Christian as he prepped lunch. She came up behind him and hugged his torso from behind.

"You're late" he joked, but Theo felt his whole body relax when he realized it was her. She kissed his back before resting her head on him. "Not for 1 more minute" she chuckled. Without moving Bucky reached into his pocket and handed her the pill. Chrisrian came up beside her, handing her a glass of water and putting his hand lightly on her face for a moment.

Theo let go of Bucky, quickly taking the pill and drinking down the entire glass of water. "Thank you, both of you" she said with a small fake smile.

"Now you promised me, you're mine today" Bucky laughed, spinning in his chair to face her and wrap her in a tight hug. When their embrace broke Bucky took her hand, leading her away. "See you later, Christian" she shouted as Bucky pulled her out of the kitchen.

Bucky pulled her along until they were outside, he stopped and turned to face her. Taking her face into his hands and smiling down at her.

"I just want to enjoy the day. Can we talk about this later?" She pleaded with a small sigh, she knew he was going to ask how her meeting with Peter went.

Bucky chuckled and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. "I wasn't going to ask until tonight. We're just going to enjoy today" he promised as he began to lead her away again. Bucky let her to the garage and handed her a helmet. Theo couldn't contain her smile, she's been dying for a ride on the bike for months. Even though it was still chilly outside she felt like she needed this.

"You're going to need this." Bucky said with a smile, handing her the leather jacket he had bought her for Chriatmas to match his.

"Thank you, Buck." Theo said happily as she slipped the jacket on and zipped it up as Bucky climbed on the bike.

As soon as Theo was secured to him, her arms tightly around him and her head leaning on his back he took off. The two drove for hours, Theo subconsciously rubbed his stomach the entire time, Bucky was in heaven.

When he stopped Theo couldn't help but sigh. He helped her climb off before he also climbed off, he handed her a dose of her medicine. She pulled off the helmet and took the dose without a drink. When she was done Bucky leaned against his bike, both arms reaching for her. Theo found her way between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling up at him while he pulled her between his legs and held her impossibly close.

"Where are we?" She said with a smile, Franky she could have been at the dump and would've been happy to be standing there in his arms.

"I thought you needed a change of scenery" he admitted with a smile as he took her hand again, eventually leading her to a beautiful massive castle tucked away in Central Park. Theo's eyes lit up, the smile on her face made every bad thing from the last 90 years worth it to him. He moved to wrap his arm around her waist, smiling down at her.

"It's beautiful" she finally said, her eyes refusing to leave the castle. "Yes, you are" he added, his eyes not leaving her. Theo blushed and looked over to find his gaze locked on her.

"I've been to some of the most beautiful places, yet you somehow top them all" he admitted. Theo leaned her head onto his chest. "Let me get a picture of you" he pleaded.

"Come on, please? Turn to face the castle" Theo smiled and kissed his chest through his shirt before walking a few feet away and staring at the castle, still in awe.

"Did you get it?" She asked after a moment of silence, but didn't turn around.

"Yes, doll" was all he said. Theo turned around and saw Bucky on one knee, tears were immediately forming in her eyes as she walked over to him. When she got to him she placed one hand over her mouth and another on his shoulder.

"Theodora Alina Rogers Stark, I have known since the moment I saw you that I wanted to do this someday. Even before I knew you, you fascinated and terrified me. But now that I have the pleasure of knowing you I can't imagine a single day where I don't get to see you, to kiss you, to love you" he said, smiling up at her. He was fighting back his own tears at this point. "I love you Theodora, will you marry me?" He finally asked.

Theo couldn't hold the tears back anymore, she nodded at him but quickly wiped a few tears away "Yes, I love you James Buchanan Barnes" she happily squealed. Theo was so excited she hadn't even looked at the ring but as he slid it onto her finger she was in awe of its beauty. It was a delicate white gold band covered in small diamonds with a V shape in the middle made of more diamonds and holding onto a beautifully large pear shape diamond. It was perfect, he was perfect.

Bucky stood up and wrapped her in his arms, her arms wrapping around his neck. He was quick to kiss her, his lips were soft and loving. Every ounce of pain she'd been through the last year was worth it if she got to this moment she thought. Bucky lifted her up to his level, breaking their kiss but giving her another soft quick kiss before just staring into her eyes.

"Thank you" he said, his eyes were teary and he had the biggest smile.

"For what?" She said shyly, smiling back at him. He was the most beautiful man she's ever seen in her life.

"For making me the happiest man ever, of course" he beamed, leaning in until their lips met yet again. Theo wrapped her legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. Bucky wrapped his vibranium arm under her ass while his right arm remained wrapped around her waist. The two stood like that for a while until a cold breeze pulled them from their thoughts. Their lips were swollen, cheeks flushed and eyes dilated with overwhelming desire but he carefully placed her back onto her feet.

"Let's get you home before you freeze." He said with a smile, wrapping his arm around her waist to take her back to the bike.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now