Chapter 44

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"So what is your concern?" Shuri asked as she took a few vials of blood from Theo.

"I just want to make sure her and the baby are safe. She has my serum now, I also want to know if the baby does too." Bucky admitted.

"She would not have absorbed your serum, but the baby might." Shuri pointed out.

Theo sighed and stood up, wrapping an arm around Bucky's torso, lifting him up before sitting him back down. "Okay, let's never do that again." Bucky said with an uncomfortable laugh.

Theo chuckled and climbed back up onto the exam table, taking Bucky's hand again.

"I have my own serum, Bruce thinks that ever since Thor electrocuted me I can kind of absorb abilities. All I know is I'm strong now, I'm not as strong as Buck but stronger than I was." Theo said.

"You have serum running through you as well?" Shuri asked, Theo nodded.

"My parents experimented on me as a child." Theo said with a sigh, Bucky stepped closer and put his arm around her waist, rubbing her side lightly.

"Steve did this to you?" Shuri asked with wide eyes.

"No" Theo blurted out quickly. "The ones who gave birth to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. When we met Steve you were already with him, you were all he talked about. We assumed he was your real father." Shuri said.

"He was, him and Tony both were. In every way but blood." Theo said, feeling teary eyed.

"Am I really gonna cry for the whole next 6 months?" Theo blurted out in a huff as she wiped the few tears off her cheeks. Bucky chuckled and pulled her a little closer to him.

"I'm afraid so." Shuri admitted.

Shuri ran the vials of blood through a series of machines while Theo and Bucky waited anxiously.

"You two can go, someone will show you to where you're staying." Shuri said as a beautiful young guard approached the two.

Theo took Bucky's hand while the guard led them to the room they were staying in for the week. To Bucky's surprise it was indoors, they must have wanted Theo nearby.

As soon as the two were alone and they noticed all their items sitting on a small couch in the corner Theo wrapped her arms around Bucky's torso. Bucky held onto her, his head resting on top of hers.

"How are you feeling, doll?" Bucky asked, rubbing his hand lightly up and down her back.

"Sore, but fine." Theo admitted.

"Are you tired?" He asked while they embraced.

"No." Theo lied, Bucky chuckled and let the two to the couch, quickly sitting there stuff on the floor before sitting down and placing Theo in his lap.

"I'm not tired." Theo said, laying her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know. Were just sitting for a minute." Bucky said, he knew she was exhausted and that she'd be asleep in his arms shortly.

No surprise Theo drifted off to sleep in his arms within a few minutes. They were up late last night and she was sick all morning. Bucky didn't move, he just sat there holding her, watching her sleep soundly in his arms for what felt like hours.

Finally there was a soft knock on the door, Theo didn't wake up so Bucky stood up, still holding onto her and went to open the door. T'Challa was on the other side. Bucky stepped out of the way to allow T'Challa in but he didn't.

Bucky sighed and laid Theo on the bed before leaving the room with T'Challa. "I came to check on her." T'Challa admitted.

"She had a rough morning, I can bring her to you when she wakes up?" Bucky offered.

The Other Stark - Bucky Barnes x OC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now