Chapter 35

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Theo has been home for 2 days, Bucky won't let her leave the penthouse, he insists she rest as much as possible.

"Baby, I'm okay. Bruce said so himself. I can't sit in this bed anymore" Theo whined.

Bucky chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "I know, doll. But you went a week without sleeping, a week of non stop torture. You took enough voltage to kill 3 regular people. I'm not letting you out of my sight for at least a few more days"

"I was just trying to keep you safe.." Theo said with a defeated sigh as she leaned against Bucky.

"I know. But you went through hell, you need to rest." Bucky insisted, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. "I love you, Theo, I just need you to be okay"

"I love you, I just needed you to be okay" Theo admitted. Theo wrapped her arms tightly around Bucky and buried her face in his neck.

"Were both safe. I'm right here." Bucky promises.

Christian walked into the penthouse, both of them perked up when they heard the elevator "It's Christian" Bucky whispered in her ear, she hasn't wanted to see anyone else since she came home.

"Prețiosul meu((My precious in Romanian)) how are you feeling? I made your favorite jambalaya for you" Christian said happily as soon as he walked into the room and saw Theo's beautiful smiling face staring back at him.

"I'm okay, Christian. Just a little shock" Theo joked but when she saw Bucky's worried expression she felt bad. "I'm sorry, I'm okay, really." She finally admitted.

"My dear you have to stop sacrificing yourself for the others" Christian sad sadly.

"Absolutley not. If I had to choose between me or James I choose me every single time. I don't regret it" Theo snapped.

"Of course, dear, I'm sorry" Chrisrian sad sadly as he began to leave the room. Theo jumped up and followed him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, Christian. I will be more careful. I just cant lose anyone else like I lost my dads and Nat. I can't" Theo admitted as she clung to Christian.

"I understand Prețiosul meu((My precious in Romanian)) but they need you as much as you need them" Christian said as their embrace ended. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and left on the elevator.

"He's right, the team wouldn't be able to handle anything happening to you. Everyone was worried sick. Even Strange showed up to check on you." Bucky admitted.

The two happily ate their lunch on the balcony before Theo had to check in with Bruce.

When the two reached the lab Bruce was so excited to see Theo he practically ran to her. "I've missed you, kid. How are you feeling?" He said happily.

Bucky reluctantly sat her down but stayed by her side with his arm wrapped around her waist. "I'm okay, Bruce. I just need answers.." Theo said shyly.

"I know. And I have them" Bruce answered confidently. "The shock from Thor changed the chemistry of the serum you were given as a child. You're still not strong but you can endure more. You heal a little faster and you can tolerate more pain than you should be able to. It also left you with some of his power, you know your dad could wield the axe too?"

"Which one?" Theo asked.

"Steve. He wielded Mjölnir too. I have a good feeling if it wasn't destroyed you'd be wielding it too." Bruce said with a smile.

"I thought Mjölnir was about being worthy? Not power.."

"It is, and I know you're worthy. But enough about that. Between the serum and Thor leaving some power with you the axe won't hurt you. It's actually how we saved you. When they tried to wipe you they must have awoken something cause the axe came for you. We had to stop it long enough to get on the jet and follow it. You're extraordinary. It makes me wonder if you can absorb others strengths. Any chance you'd let Wanda attack you?" Bruce asked.

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